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Joseph Shavit
May 28, 2022
When AI is the inventor, who gets the patent?
The day is coming – some say has already arrived – when artificial intelligence starts to invent things that its human creators could not.
Joseph Shavit
May 21, 2022
AI helps drivers avoid idling at red lights and reduces carbon emissions
No one likes sitting at a red light. But signalized intersections aren’t just a nuisance for drivers; vehicles consume fuel and emit gases.
Joseph Shavit
May 17, 2022
Simply and quickly detect gluten in food using a cellphone
The system designed by the UPV team is a color test in which the change of color—in this case, turning red—indicates the presence of gluten
Joshua Shavit
May 12, 2022
Adding AI to Museum exhibits increases learning, keeps kids engaged longer
Hands-on exhibits are staples of science and children’s museums around the world, and kids love them. But do kids actually learn from them?
Joseph Shavit
May 10, 2022
New mobile phone app shows how well shoes will fit based on the 3D shape of the user's foot
The app is designed for online shoe retailers to offer to their customers, to provide accurate fitting of different types of shoes and feet.
Joseph Shavit
May 3, 2022
Smartphone-powered microchip powers at-home medical diagnostic testing
Research team has developed a new microfluidic chip for diagnosing diseases that can be powered wirelessly by a smartphone.
Joseph Shavit
May 2, 2022
New mobile app helps reduce lower back pain
Back problems are among the most common causes of sick leave. Worldwide, back pain is the most common cause of disability.
Joseph Shavit
Apr 26, 2022
Startup makes efficient use of waste through artificial intelligence
On average, each person in Germany produced 476 kilograms of household waste in 2020. It is incinerated, recycled, landfilled.
Joseph Shavit
Apr 11, 2022
AI powers breakthrough in faster-than-sound jet engines
New research using AI is streamlining simulations of hypersonic aircraft engines, which have defense and commercial applications.
Joseph Shavit
Apr 9, 2022
AI predicts if -- and when -- someone will have cardiac arrest
A new AI-based approach can predict, significantly more accurately than a doctor, if and when a patient could die of cardiac arrest.
Joseph Shavit
Apr 7, 2022
Does artificial intelligence think like a human?
A new technique compares the reasoning of a machine-learning model to that of a human, so the user can see patterns in the model’s behavior.
Joseph Shavit
Mar 27, 2022
Speaking from the heart: Could your voice reveal your heart health?
AI-based computer algorithm accurately predicted a person’s likelihood of suffering heart problems based on voice recordings alone.
Joseph Shavit
Mar 18, 2022
Artificial intelligence can help combat systemic racism
Facial recognition algorithms have repeatedly been demonstrated to be less accurate for people with darker skin.
Joseph Shavit
Mar 13, 2022
AI innovation fills in the missing gaps in ancient texts
A team of AI researchers has developed an AI application to help historians fill in the gaps of text missing from stone and metal artifacts
Joseph Shavit
Mar 8, 2022
Researchers harness AI and Robotics to treat spinal cord injuries
This study represents one of the first times AI and robotics have been used to formulate highly sensitive therapeutic proteins.
Joseph Shavit
Feb 26, 2022
Israeli-made armed robot can protect the peace on volatile borders
An Israeli defense contractor unveiled a remote-controlled armed robot it says can patrol battle zones, track infiltrators and open fire.
Joseph Shavit
Feb 17, 2022
Virtual patient ‘surrogates’ can personalize cancer treatments
Scientists have developed mathematical models that act as patient ‘surrogates’ for evaluating potential prostate cancer treatments.
Joseph Shavit
Feb 16, 2022
AI-powered yoga video system can instantly identify postures for instruction
A system that can analyze a segment of video and identify the yoga postures, asana, being practiced would be a useful tool for instruction.
Joseph Shavit
Feb 15, 2022
Scientists create a 'Smart Necklace' for silent speech recognition
Speech recognition technology allows us to ask Siri to check the weather for tomorrow, or to ask Alexa to play our favorite song.
Joseph Shavit
Feb 12, 2022
Sony AI Unveils Gran Turismo Sophy, a Breakthrough in AI
the first superhuman AI agent to outrace the world's best drivers of the highly realistic PlayStation® racing simulation game.
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