Joseph ShavitFeb 22, 2022New copper surface eliminates bacteria in just two minutesA new surface that kills bacteria more than 100x faster than standard copper could help combat the growing threat of antibiotic-resistance.
Joseph ShavitNov 24, 2021Ultrashort-pulse lasers kill bacterial superbugs and sporesLife-threatening bacteria are becoming ever more resistant to antibiotics, making the search for alternatives to antibiotics urgent.
Joseph ShavitNov 22, 2021Scientists develop promising vaccine against Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)Researchers at The University of Texas at Dallas are investigating the use of whole-cell vaccines to fight urinary tract infection (UTI).
Joseph ShavitOct 26, 2021Researchers discover a way to increase the effectiveness of antibioticsResearchers have found a way to make antibiotics more effective against antibiotic-resistant bacteria—also known as superbugs.