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Joseph Shavit
Jun 8, 2022
Simple blood test may allow for early cancer detection
The current gold standard in cancer diagnostics are biopsies from suspect tissue, which are examined using histology.

Joseph Shavit
Jun 3, 2022
World-first: A biomarker that can diagnose Parkinson’s disease
It is hoped that being able to diagnose the disease faster will also lead to the development of new treatment methods for aging societies.

Joseph Shavit
Apr 26, 2022
New smartphone app accurately tests how well blood clots
Blood clots in patients with medical issues, such as mechanical heart valves or other heart conditions, can lead to a stroke or heart attack

Joseph Shavit
Apr 22, 2022
Rapid cancer test provides warning from a single drop of blood
A portable and rapid prostate cancer screening kit could provide early warning to populations with higher incidence of prostate cancer.

Joseph Shavit
Mar 25, 2022
First-of-its-kind wearable, noninvasive blood sugar monitor developed
Penn State researchers developed a prototype of a wearable, noninvasive glucose sensor.

Joseph Shavit
Feb 23, 2022
Cancer cure? CAR T-cell therapy has two people in remission 10 years later
Researchers are constantly working toward developing the best possible treatments for cancer. One area of interest is immunotherapy.

Joseph Shavit
Feb 14, 2022
Smartphone app can vibrate a single drop of blood to determine how well it clots
Researchers have developed a new blood-clotting test that uses only a single drop of blood and a smartphone vibration motor and camera.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 19, 2022
First-of-its-kind wearable, noninvasive blood sugar monitor
A new wearable device created by Penn State researchers, is a less intrusive glucose monitor and could become the norm in diabetes care.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 11, 2022
Rapid cancer test provides warning from a single drop of blood
The test is inexpensive and uses a test strip and a small cube-shaped 1.6-inch reader to quantify a marker of prostate cancer.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 9, 2022
Blood test helps predict who may benefit from lung cancer screening
A blood test, combined with a risk model based on an individual’s history, more accurately determines who will benefit from screenings.
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