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Joseph Shavit
Aug 25, 2021
Swimmer rescued 2½ miles out at sea after TWELVE HOURS in the water off of Ireland
A swimmer stranded two and a half miles from shore in the icy waters of Tralee Bay, Ireland, was 'miraculously' rescued by RNLI volunteer.
Joseph Shavit
Aug 20, 2021
Habitat For Humanity’s Thrift Store Bringing ‘Life-Changing’ Service To Communities
We sell it, somebody loves your coffee table, it’s now new for someone else. At the end of the day, more Habitat homes get built.
Joseph Shavit
Aug 12, 2021
Jon Stewart and Pete Davidson are doing a 9/11 anniversary comedy show for charity
Two New York City comedians and several of their famous friends are holding a show to raise money for charities benefitting victims of 911
Joseph Shavit
Jul 25, 2021
Chef Creates The ‘40 Acres And A Mule’ Initiative To Buy Land To Help Black Farmers
Chef Adrian Lipscombe created the “40 Acres and a Mule” initiative, buying land to help preserve Black foodways.
Joseph Shavit
Jul 25, 2021
62-Year-Old Woman, Abandoned By Family, Gets Helping Hand From SF Police Officers
A 62-year-old Chinese-speaking woman who had, apparently, been abandoned by her family. That's when Officer Ma came to the rescue.
Joseph Shavit
Jul 19, 2021
Community and a local DJ raise money to help man who walks 12 miles each day
Braxton Mayes says he's been walking 12 miles to and from work, three hours each way, because his truck stopped working
Joseph Shavit
Jul 18, 2021
District judge turned 'dog poop master' saves community trails one shovel load at a time
For the past three years Sherlock has pushed a wheelbarrow a couple of blocks up Power Street every five weeks or so accompanied by Ellie
Joseph Shavit
Jul 12, 2021
Devoted Local Youth Sports Leader Recognized With Honorary Espy Award
Ritter received an honorary ESPY for volunteering as a youth sports leader and giving back to her community in Northridge
Joseph Shavit
Jul 8, 2021
We have to react: Group raises $1.5 million for Surfside families
Zushie and Svia are both professionals who have zero experience in fundraising. But hours after the Tower collapsed, they jumped into action
Joseph Shavit
Jun 18, 2021
Peruvians rebuild ancient Incan rope bridge frayed during pandemic -- by weaving a new one
Peruvians from the Huinchiri community in Cusco region are rebuilding a 500-year-old Incan hanging bridge
Joseph Shavit
Jun 14, 2021
Local man picks up nearly 10,000 bags of trash from NC highways, streams
On any given weekend you might find Daniel Toben sweeping litter up and down I-40, or picking trash out of a local stream or park.
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