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Joseph Shavit
Jan 7, 2023
Researchers discover what makes time-restricted dieting work
Numerous studies have shown health benefits of time-restricted eating including increase in life span in laboratory studies.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 6, 2022
Green Mediterranean diet found to significantly reduce dangerous fat around internal organs
The green Mediterranean diet (MED) significantly reduces visceral adipose tissue, a type of dangerous fat around internal organs.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 25, 2022
Green juices burn body fat and improve digestion, new study finds
Visceral fat is often dubbed the ‘hidden' fat because it lies in the body's midsection, where it can't be touched or seen.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 24, 2022
Green juice burns body fat and improves digestion, researchers find
One of the main dangers of visceral fat is the production of more proteins called cytokines, which trigger low-level inflammation.

Joseph Shavit
Jul 12, 2022
Green juice improves digestion and burns body fat, experts say
Visceral fat is often dubbed the ‘hidden' fat because it lies in the body's midsection, where it can't be touched or seen.

Joshua Shavit
Jul 8, 2022
Remarkable new molecule discovered that can burn fat in the human body
Research groups around the world are therefore looking for substances that stimulate brown fat and thus increase fat burning.
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