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Joshua Shavit
Dec 23, 2021
Are older people more likely to fall for Covid-19 scams than younger people?
Are older people more likely to fall for Covid-19 scams than younger generations?
Joseph Shavit
Dec 8, 2021
College-in-prison program significantly reduces the tendency of criminals to reoffend
A new study sought to determine the effects of a college-in-prison program, the Bard Prison Initiative (BPI).
Joseph Shavit
Nov 11, 2021
Police watch your social media posts. Invasion of privacy or fair game?
Since MySpace was launched in 2003, police have monitored social media searching for suspects and trying to predict crime trends.
Joseph Shavit
Aug 21, 2021
Empathy training could reduce violent, sexual, and fraud-related crime
Research suggests a new, low-cost approach that could potentially reduce antisocial behavior and crime.
Joseph Shavit
Jul 14, 2021
University research shows that escort services and strip clubs don't increase sex crimes
A new paper by Oxford University Press, indicates that the presence of adult entertainment establishments may decrease sex crimes
Joseph Shavit
May 19, 2021
Single fingerprint at a crime scene detects class A drug usage
The latest findings show that a single fingerprint left at a crime scene could be used to determine whether someone has taken drugs.
Joseph Shavit
Mar 31, 2021
Crime Busting: Study provides first evidence of DNA collection from air
Researchers have shown for the first time that animal DNA shed within the environment can be collected from the air
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