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Joseph Shavit
Jun 12, 2022
World First: Scientists use CRISPR to map every human gene to its function
Researchers and collaborators used their single-cell sequencing tool Perturb-seq on every expressed gene in the human genome.

Joseph Shavit
Jun 2, 2022
Computer display creates colors out of gold and DNA
People say there’s a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but a new technology is turning that idea on its head – using particles of gold.

Joseph Shavit
May 19, 2022
A new era of genome editing has begun
Researchers developed a new gene-editing platform called transcription activator-like effector-linked deaminases, or TALED for short.

Joseph Shavit
Apr 26, 2022
A new era in gene editing has begun
Each new breakthrough discovery in biotechnology further improved our ability to manipulate DNA, the blueprint of life.

Joseph Shavit
Apr 23, 2022
Scientists Plan to Store DNA on The Moon!
The ambitious project aims to preserve humankind – and animal-kind, plant-kind and fungi-kind – in the event of a global crisis.

Joseph Shavit
Apr 1, 2022
Now fully complete, human genome reveals new secrets
A three-year-old consortium has finally filled in that remaining DNA, providing the first complete, gapless genome sequence.

Joseph Shavit
Mar 11, 2022
Beyond CRISPR: New DNA tools rewrite genes to fight diseases like COVID-19
Scientists debut technology that could turn off SARS-CoV-2 genes, diagnose parasitic infection, and sequence genes faster

Joseph Shavit
Mar 6, 2022
Single test for over 50 genetic diseases will cut diagnosis from decades to days
The diseases covered by the test belong to a class of over 50 diseases caused by unusually-long repetitive DNA sequences in a person’s genes

Joseph Shavit
Nov 30, 2021
A new plastic made from DNA, biodegradable and easy to recycle
At a time when pollution represents a growing threat to the future of the planet, it is essential to improve our recycling processes.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 20, 2021
How do we know we're tired?
Throughout evolution sleep has remained universal and essential to all organisms with a nervous system.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 10, 2021
Researchers turn on and off genes using CRISPR
Type 1 diabetes and cancer are just some of the disorders associated with specific genes not “turning on” and “turning off" as they should.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 23, 2021
'Ray guns' let scientists use light instead of DNA to tell plant populations apart
In this new study, we've shown that you can use light instead of DNA to define plant populations, at a similar level of detail.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 19, 2021
Our DNA is becoming the world's tiniest hard drive
Genetic code is millions of times more efficient at storing data than existing solutions, which are costly and use immense amounts of energy

Joseph Shavit
Oct 11, 2021
What makes us human? The answer may be found in overlooked DNA
Researchers have now found a previously overlooked part of our DNA that may explain why our brains work differently.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 1, 2021
Why are some twins identical and others are not? Scientists now know
Scientists may have solved the mystery of why some twins are identical and could pave the way for the treatment of congenital disorders.

Joshua Shavit
Sep 26, 2021
New DNA sensor can quickly determine whether viruses are infectious
A new sensor can distinguish infectious viruses from noninfectious ones thanks to selective DNA fragments and sensitive nanopore technology.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 16, 2021
New DNA-based chip can be programmed to solve complex math problems
Since DNA has only two strands, performing even a simple calculation requires multiple chemical reactions using different sets of DNA.

Joshua Shavit
Aug 4, 2021
Exercise improves health through changes on DNA
While regular physical exercise decreases the risk of virtually all chronic illnesses, the mechanisms at play are not fully known.

Joseph Shavit
Jun 12, 2021
Could all your digital photos be stored as DNA?
A technique for labeling and retrieving DNA data files from a large pool could help make DNA data storage feasible

Joseph Shavit
Mar 31, 2021
Crime Busting: Study provides first evidence of DNA collection from air
Researchers have shown for the first time that animal DNA shed within the environment can be collected from the air
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