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Joseph Shavit
Jul 21, 2021
Converting carbon dioxide into food thanks to a new NASA-inspired technology
Can you make food from thin air? NASA asked the same question and the challenge of feeding a year-long space mission led to a discovery

Joseph Shavit
Jul 16, 2021
Worth the price? The most expensive french fries in the world are in New York City
Located on the city’s Upper East Side, Serendipity 3 set the Guinness World Records title for making the most expensive french fries ever

Joseph Shavit
Jul 10, 2021
Getting drunk just got tastier thanks to machine that turns beer into soft serve ice cream
A cold pint of beer or a scoop of your favourite ice cream are two of the best ways to cool down on a hot day. Soon get both together!

Joseph Shavit
Jun 28, 2021
Starting the day off with chocolate shown to have even more benefits for women
Eating a concentrated amount of chocolate during a narrow window of time in the morning may help the body burn fat and reduce blood sugar.

Joseph Shavit
Jun 25, 2021
Serving larger portions of veggies found to increase young kids' veggie consumption
A Penn State study found that simply adding more veggies to their plates resulted in children consuming more vegetables at the meal.

Joseph Shavit
Jun 24, 2021
2.5 grams of pure cocoa found to improve your vision in daylight
Eating 2.5 grams of pure natural cocoa powder serves to improve visual acuity in healthy young adults and in daylight conditions

Joseph Shavit
Jun 22, 2021
What Facebook can tell us about behavior change and dietary choices
[June 22, 2021: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis] Lifestyle changes for demand-side climate change mitigation is...

Joseph Shavit
Jun 10, 2021
A novel way to create vanilla flavoring through recycled plastic
Scientists devised a novel way of tackling the plastic pollution issue by using bacteria to transform plastic waste into vanilla flavoring

Joseph Shavit
Jun 9, 2021
New robot kills farming weeds by zapping them with electricity
With monitoring robot Tom now being officially available, British agtech start-up Small Robot Company has its first commercial robot out

Joseph Shavit
Jun 7, 2021
Health benefits of low protein-high carbohydrate diets depend on the type of carbohydrate
A low-protein (10% of dietary energy), high-carbohydrate (70%) diet produced either the healthiest or unhealthiest metabolic outcomes of all

Joseph Shavit
Jun 5, 2021
Food scientists aim to make plant-based protein tastier and healthier
As meat-eating continues to increase around the world, food scientists are focusing on ways to create healthier and better-tasting products

Joseph Shavit
Jun 1, 2021
Junk food game helps people eat less and lose weight
Using a brain-training app helps people eat less junk food and lose weight, new research suggests.

Joseph Shavit
May 14, 2021
Monster Mash Breakfast to Celebrate fiftieth Anniversary Unite Cereal Monsters for This Halloween
For Halloween, General Mills will unite their iconic cereal monsters for breakfast cereals on the ultimate Saturday morning.

Joseph Shavit
May 13, 2021
A nutritious dose of kindness for Covid patients
As the coronavirus thrives off the complacence we paraded in the early part of the year, the sounds of sirens and the cries for help...

Joseph Shavit
May 10, 2021
Turns out developing a taste for carbs wasn't a bad thing
Ancient humans adapted to eating starch-rich foods as far back as 100,000 years ago, which is much earlier than previously thought.

Joseph Shavit
May 4, 2021
Are mealworms the food of the future? EU nations just put them on the menu
Dried yellow mealworms could soon be hitting supermarket's shelves and restaurants across Europe. The Tenebrio molitor beetle's larvae ...

Joseph Shavit
Apr 7, 2021
Study finds late night snacks may hurt your workplace performance
A recent study finds that unhealthy eating behaviors at night can make people less helpful and more withdrawn the next day at work.

Joseph Shavit
Apr 7, 2021
Sharing meals with loved ones reduces obesity and improves health of adolescents
Eating together as a family, maintaining the Mediterranean diet's traditional customs of conviviality, influences the eating habits of kids

Joseph Shavit
Mar 31, 2021
Exercise, healthy diet in midlife may prevent serious health conditions in senior years
Following a routine of regular physical activity combined with a diet including fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods...

Joseph Shavit
Feb 19, 2021
From drugs to mushrooms: Underground farmers take root in Paris
A 3,000-square meter garage space in Paris that once served as a hub for prostitution and drugs has found new life as an urban farming
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