Innovative ink coating can power wearable devices via heat
Scientists develop heat storage material that is stable, efficient and eco-friendly
Squid skin-inspired cup cozy will keep your hands cool and your coffee hot
Using ice to boil water: Researcher makes heat transfer discovery
Innovative clothing patch vents to release heat when you sweat
Impaired-driver sensor could pave the way for safer vehicles
Transforming materials with light could lead to ultrafast light-based computers and more
Trees found to reduce land surface area temperatures in cities up to 12°C
Smart window material blocks heat transmission without blocking views
Photovoltaic solar heating system uses 95% of energy available to heat water
On ancient Earth, it never rained but it poured
From waste to resource: Turning exhaust heat into energy with unprecedented efficiency
New LED material emits light without generating heat
New material offers ecofriendly solution to converting waste heat into energy