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Joseph Shavit
Oct 11, 2022
Researchers solve the mystery of why Mars has no liquid water on its surface
Water is essential for life on Earth and other planets, and scientists have found ample evidence of water in Mars’ early history.

Joshua Shavit
Jul 13, 2022
Building blocks for RNA-based life abound at center of our galaxy
According to this scenario, life on Earth was originally based on RNA only, and DNA and protein enzymes evolved later.

Joseph Shavit
Jun 15, 2022
China’s lunar lander finds evidence of native water on moon
Samples from the Moon's Oceanus Procellarum may be able to calm at least one scientific squall: the source of lunar water.

Joseph Shavit
Jun 12, 2022
What happened before, during and after solar system formation?
Samples returned from the Hayabusa2 mission provides invaluable insights into the formation and evolution of our solar system.

Joseph Shavit
Jun 10, 2022
NASA is officially joining the hunt for UFOs
The space agency on Thursday announced a new study that will recruit leading scientists to examine unidentified aerial phenomena.

Joseph Shavit
Jun 4, 2022
Breakthrough in determining life's origin on Earth — and maybe Mars
For several hundred million years after the Moon formed, frequent impacts coupled with abundant volcanism on the planet formed basaltic lava

Joseph Shavit
May 27, 2022
New discovery about distant galaxies: Stars are heavier than we thought
The Andromeda galaxy, our Milky Way's closest neighbor, is the most distant object in the sky that you can see with your unaided eye.

Joseph Shavit
May 24, 2022
Planets of binary stars as possible homes for alien life
Planetary systems around binary stars may be very different from those around single stars and might point to extraterrestrial life.

Joseph Shavit
May 23, 2022
Ghostly ‘mirror world’ key to solving a major cosmic puzzle
New research suggests an unseen ‘mirror world’ of particles might be the key to solving a major puzzle in cosmology – the Hubble constant.

Joseph Shavit
May 20, 2022
Researchers use galaxy as a ‘cosmic telescope’ to study the universe
A unique new instrument, coupled with a powerful telescope and a little help from nature, enables scientists to peer into galactic nurseries

Joseph Shavit
May 17, 2022
Robot dog may get to go to the moon
The robotic explorer GLIMPSE, created at ETH Zurich has made it into the final round of a competition for prospecting resources in space.

Joseph Shavit
May 13, 2022
Lunar first: Scientists grow plants in soil from the Moon
Scientists have grown plants in soil from the Moon, a first in human history and a milestone in lunar and space exploration.

Joseph Shavit
May 10, 2022
Research breakthrough tests warp speed effect
New discovery opens the door for scientists to see ideas in action that were previously only understood in theory or represented in science.

Joseph Shavit
May 7, 2022
This is what happens to the human brain over time in space
Long-duration space flight alters fluid-filled spaces along veins and arteries in the brain, according to new research

Joseph Shavit
May 6, 2022
Lunar soil has the potential to generate oxygen and fuel
Soil on the moon contains active compounds that can convert carbon dioxide into oxygen and fuels, scientists in China report.

Joseph Shavit
May 4, 2022
'Gravity Telescopes' are 1,000x more precise than current technologies
A futuristic technique conceptualized by Stanford scientists could enable astronomical imaging far more advanced than any present today.

Joseph Shavit
May 3, 2022
NASA develops ‘Lunar Backpack’ to aid lunar exploration
The sensor is a surveying tool for both navigation and science mapping, able to create ultra-high-resolution 3D maps at centimeter precision

Joseph Shavit
May 2, 2022
New experiments reveal the source of the aurora borealis
Researchers have demonstrated Alfvén waves accelerating electrons under conditions that correspond to Earth’s magnetosphere.

Joseph Shavit
Apr 30, 2022
Earth’s atmosphere may be source of some lunar water
Hydrogen and oxygen escaping from Earth’s upper atmosphere and combining on the moon could be one of the sources of the known lunar water.

Joseph Shavit
Apr 29, 2022
New theory solves the mystery of how our solar system evolved
Researchers at MSU, China and France have unveiled a new theory that could help solve a galactic mystery of how our solar system evolved.
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