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Joseph Shavit
Feb 16, 2022
AI-powered yoga video system can instantly identify postures for instruction
A system that can analyze a segment of video and identify the yoga postures, asana, being practiced would be a useful tool for instruction.
Joseph Shavit
Jan 26, 2022
Is streaming video the key to developing scientific literacy for students?
The study finds video can clearly boost academic performance and in a form students wish to use and appreciate.
Joseph Shavit
Nov 4, 2021
Researchers make a breakthrough in 3D holographic displays
Researchers have now introduced a completely new approach to realize such dynamic holographic displays.
Joshua Shavit
Sep 12, 2021
The power of video fake news in today's society
People are more likely to believe fake news in a video format compared to text and audio forms of the same story, according to researchers.
Joshua Shavit
Aug 30, 2021
New technology for large-scale, high-resolution, 28 megapixel, 3D displays
The new projection technology could enable large, high-definition 3D images for digital signs and immersive experiences.
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