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Joseph Shavit
May 15, 2022
Walking will help you sleep better, study finds
New research shows that middle-aged adults who took more steps over four weeks reported better sleep than less-active people.

Joseph Shavit
Apr 8, 2022
Spinal chord implant enables patient to get up and walk again
A patient suffering from a debilitating neurodegenerative disease was able to get up and walk again after being bedridden for over a year.

Joseph Shavit
Apr 3, 2022
Spinal cord implant enables paralyzed people to walk again
Researchers successfully engineer world's first 3D human spinal cord tissue transplant.

Joseph Shavit
Apr 3, 2022
Innovative footwear prevents diabetic foot ulcers
New footwear technology relieves pressure on areas of the feet that experience high stress during walking and other activities.

Joseph Shavit
Apr 2, 2022
New approach cuts the energy people need to walk by 50%
Findings describe a novel way to reduce the energy people spend to walk, as much as by half, which could have applications for therapy.

Joseph Shavit
Feb 8, 2022
Breakthrough spinal cord implant enables paralyzed people to walk again
Paralysis from spinal injury has long remained untreatable. Could new developments get people on their feet again sooner than imagined?

Joseph Shavit
Nov 11, 2021
A personalized exosuit for real-world walking
People rarely walk at a constant speed and a single incline. We change speed when rushing to the next appointment, or going for a stroll.

Joshua Shavit
Oct 4, 2021
Moderate-vigorous exercise boosts fitness three times more than walking alone
Exercise is healthy. That is common knowledge. But just how rigorous should that exercise be in order to really impact a person’s fitness?

Joshua Shavit
Sep 14, 2021
Steps per day matter in middle age, but not as many as you may think
Walking at least 7,000 steps a day reduced middle-aged people’s risk of premature death from all causes by 50% to 70%, but walking more...

Joseph Shavit
Jul 28, 2021
Father builds exoskeleton suit to help his son and others walk for the first time
Oscar Constanza, is a 16-year-old with a genetic neurological condition. He now has the ability to walk for the first time.

Joseph Shavit
Feb 8, 2021
Ditching the car for walking or biking just one day a week cuts carbon footprint
Swapping the car for walking, cycling and e-biking even just one day a week makes a significant impact on personal carbon emissions...

Joseph Shavit
Jan 14, 2021
Stretching more effective than walking to lower high blood pressure
A new University of Saskatchewan (USask) study has found that stretching is superior to brisk walking for reducing blood pressure in people
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