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Joshua Shavit
Aug 1, 2021
Millet based diet can lower risk of type 2 diabetes and help manage blood glucose levels
New study shows that eating millets can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and helps manage blood glucose levels in diabetics
Joshua Shavit
Aug 1, 2021
Rocks on Earth hint at the possibility of more hidden water on Mars
A combination of a once-debunked 19th-century identification of a water-carrying iron mineral and the fact that these rocks are extremely...
Joshua Shavit
Aug 1, 2021
A blood test for your body clock? It's on the horizon
What time is your body clock set on? The answer, mounting research suggests, can influence a person's predisposition to heart disease.
Joshua Shavit
Aug 1, 2021
Scientific approach to testing ideas helps startups fail and scale faster
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg famously described the mindset as “move fast and break things.” But does that mantra actually work?
Joshua Shavit
Jul 31, 2021
York University planetary scientist puts Mars lake theory on ice with new study
For years scientists have been debating what might lay under the Martian planet’s south polar cap and initially attributed it to water.
Joshua Shavit
Jul 31, 2021
Can't remember? According to researchers, you can take a break from forgetfullness
Many of us have experienced the following: the day before an exam, we try to cram a huge amount of information into our brain.
Joseph Shavit
Jul 30, 2021
Physicists Have Figured Out How We Could Make Antimatter Out of Light
A new study by scientists has demonstrated how researchers may be able to create an accelerating jet of antimatter from light.
Joseph Shavit
Jul 30, 2021
Lose weight by literally sweating out your fat
A seemingly unremarkable observation — greasy hair — showed Penn researchers how the immune system could be targeted to reverse obesity
Joseph Shavit
Jul 30, 2021
The first academic research paper to be co-published on Instagram shows Nigerian artist's legacy
First academic research paper co-published on Instagram shows legacy of one of Algeria’s most influential modern artists
Joseph Shavit
Jul 29, 2021
New findings show that life started on Earth earlier than previously thought
According to new research, simple animal species’ may have existed on Earth far longer than humans anticipated, approx 890 million years
Joseph Shavit
Jul 29, 2021
First detection of light from behind a black hole proves Einstein right
Watching X-rays flung out into the universe by the supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy 800 million light-years away
Joseph Shavit
Jul 29, 2021
A reversible male contraceptive, targeted to the testes with magnets
Women have several choices for long-lasting, reversible contraceptives, but for men, options are either single-use or difficult to reverse
Joseph Shavit
Jul 28, 2021
Will human teleportation ever be a reality?
Transportation means beaming matter from one point to another by breaking it down into tiny, transmittable form and then reconstructing it.
Joseph Shavit
Jul 28, 2021
For the first time, evidence found for water on Jupiter's Moon Ganymede
For the first time, astronomers have uncovered evidence of water vapor in the atmosphere of Jupiter's moon Ganymede.
Joseph Shavit
Jul 27, 2021
Antimatter atoms can be precisely contained and manipulated with lasers
Researchers with the CERN-based ALPHA collaboration have announced the world's first laser-based manipulation of antimatter
Joseph Shavit
Jul 27, 2021
Earlier sleep timing associated with lower depression risk
People who tend to go to bed and wake up earlier have significantly lower risk of major depression, according to a sweeping genetic study
Joseph Shavit
Jul 22, 2021
NASA wants to help the public evaluate claims of extraterrestrial life
NASA wants standards for evaluating claims of extraterrestrial life to help the public judge if discoveries are believable or not
Joseph Shavit
Jul 22, 2021
Using sunlight to efficiently and cheaply produce clean hydrogen
For decades, researchers around the world have searched for ways to use solar power to generate the key reaction for producing hydrogen
Joseph Shavit
Jul 22, 2021
Do you have a bounce in your step? You must be an elite runner
A recent study compared the bouncing behavior in elite-level male runnersto highly trained but not elite runners.
Joseph Shavit
Jul 22, 2021
Coffee doesn't raise your risk for heart rhythm problems
UCSF Cardiology researchers report no link between coffee consumption and arrhythmia
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