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Joseph Shavit
Nov 13, 2022
Pig collagen corneas can restore 20/20 vision to the blind and visually-impaired
Researchers and entrepreneurs have developed an implant made of collagen protein from pig’s skin, which resembles the human cornea.

Joseph Shavit
Aug 7, 2022
Locusts can “smell” early onset of cancer using a patient's breath
Michigan State research shows insects can differentiate between cancer cells and healthy cells, which could help detect the disease earlier

Joseph Shavit
Jun 5, 2022
Trained sniffer dogs accurately detect airport passengers infected with SARS-CoV-2
Trained sniffer dogs can accurately detect airport passengers infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19.

Joseph Shavit
Feb 9, 2022
Chimpanzees apply insects to wounds, a potential case of medication?
A research team has, for the first time, observed chimpanzees applying insects to their own wounds and the wounds of conspecifics.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 7, 2022
'Canine Hero' leads police to injured owner after highway wreck
The dog named Tinsley had a purpose: to take police to the scene of an accident, where two people — including her owner — lay badly injured.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 21, 2021
Surgeons have successfully tested a pig’s kidney in a human patient
The test, in a brain-dead patient, was very short but represents a milestone in the long quest to use animal organs in human transplants.

Joshua Shavit
Sep 28, 2021
How valuable were dogs to ancient humans?
Humans’ oldest companion, the dog, was first domesticated at least 20,000 years ago. The ancient dogs were an essential part of life.

Joshua Shavit
Sep 6, 2021
Recycled cow manure fertilizing a green agricultural trend
Cow manure – a longtime agricultural waste headache for dairy farmers – soon may ignite a new sustainable fertilizing trend.

Joseph Shavit
Aug 17, 2021
Cat’s meows leads rescuers to 83-year-old owner who fell into ravine
Thanks to the actions of Piran the cat who meowed at the group until they noticed, the 83-year-old woman was rescued and is now on the mend

Joseph Shavit
Jun 5, 2021
‘Hero rat’ Magawa retires from Cambodian bomb sniffing career
The award-winning seven-year-old rodent has detected 71 landmines and 38 items of unexploded ordnance, according to his employers.
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