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Joseph Shavit
Dec 29, 2022
Major genetic discovery can reduce depression, fear, and anxiety
A multidisciplinary study has found that the Tob gene plays an important role in reducing depression, fear, and anxiety.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 5, 2022
Playing the piano boosts brain processing power and helps lift the blues
Research demonstrates the positive impact learning to play a musical instrument has on the brain’s ability to process sights and sounds

Joseph Shavit
Oct 20, 2022
Genetic discovery could reduce depression, fear, and anxiety
Multidisciplinary team of researchers have found that the gene, Tob, plays an important role in reducing depression, fear, and anxiety.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 16, 2022
Researchers identify gene that reduces depression, fear, and anxiety
Researchers have found that a well-known gene, Tob, plays an important role in reducing depression, fear, and anxiety.

Joshua Shavit
Jul 12, 2022
Gardening can cultivate better mental health, study finds
Research suggests that many people may indeed reap mental health benefits from working with plants — even if they’ve never gardened before.

Joshua Shavit
Apr 16, 2022
Drug that cures alcoholism may be the next anti-anxiety medication
Alcoholism, if left untreated, could have dangerous repercussions so there are a range of drugs developed to treat this condition.

Joseph Shavit
Mar 21, 2022
Brain cells that control anxiety and stress-related mental disorders identified
Advances in microscopic imaging have led to the exciting discovery of a small group of brain cells that control stress-induced responses.

Joseph Shavit
Mar 12, 2022
Sharing memories sets children on path to better well-being
Toddlers whose mothers received special coaching in talking about memories grew into teenagers who experience better wellbeing.

Joshua Shavit
Sep 18, 2021
Stress isn’t always bad. Here’s how to harness it
Sweaty palms during a job interview. Racing heartbeat before the walk down the aisle. Stomach pains ahead of a final exam.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 13, 2021
Regular exercise may lower risk of developing anxiety by almost 60%
A new study suggests that those who engage in regular exercise may lower their risk of developing anxiety by almost 60%.
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