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Joseph Shavit
Jan 16, 2023
Breakthrough research explains why obesity is more dangerous for men
Researchers observing “striking” differences in the cells that build blood vessels in the fatty tissue of male versus female mice.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 19, 2022
Wearable skin patch can spot life-threatening conditions deep within the body
A team of researchers have developed an electronic patch that can monitor biomolecules in deep tissues, including hemoglobin.
Joseph Shavit
Nov 16, 2022
Groundbreaking disease modifying therapy reduces Alzheimer's effects by 80%
Compelling evidence suggests that the misfolding, aggregation, and cerebral deposition of amyloid-beta plays a central role in the disease.
Joseph Shavit
Oct 16, 2022
Alzheimer’s disease effects can be reduced by 80%
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the major form of dementia in the elderly population. The main changes in AD patients are neuronal death...
Joseph Shavit
Oct 9, 2022
New innovation detects Alzheimer’s disease in the blood
Researchers have developed a method to detect build-up of amyloid β in the brain, a characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease, from biomarkers.
Joseph Shavit
Oct 3, 2022
Blood transfusions can rejuvenate the brain, study finds
Wyss-Coray and his colleagues have turned up substances in blood that can accelerate or slow down the brain-aging clock.
Joseph Shavit
Oct 2, 2022
Revolutionary nitric oxide therapy prevents and treats obesity and diabetes
A novel therapy developed at the University of Alabama at Birmingham ameliorates obesity and Type 2 diabetes in mice fed a high-fat diet.
Joseph Shavit
Sep 7, 2022
Single stem cell-gene therapy session can treat ALS for 3 years, study finds
Using stem cells is a powerful way to deliver important proteins to the brain or spinal cord that can’t get through the blood-brain barrier.
Joshua Shavit
Aug 4, 2022
Mammals were not the first creatures on Earth to be warm-blooded
Karoo fossils provide “smoking gun” on clues to when warm-bloodedness evolved in pre-mammalian ancestors according to researchers.
Joseph Shavit
Jul 31, 2022
New eco-friendly plug treats nosebleeds
A team at the UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country has used food industry waste to develop a nasal plug designed to tackle nosebleeds
Joseph Shavit
Jul 27, 2022
Gene therapy injection dramatically reduces bleeding risk for 90% of haemophilia patients
A single gene therapy injection could dramatically reduce the bleeding risk faced by people with haemophilia B finds a study from UCL.
Joseph Shavit
Jul 24, 2022
New sensor can detect Alzheimer’s disease up to 17 years in advance
The dementia disorder Alzheimer’s disease has a symptom-free course of 15 to 20 years before the first clinical symptoms emerge.
Joseph Shavit
Jul 18, 2022
Move over 'tiger blood' -- bear blood serum drives muscle gains
Japanese scientists observed “muscle gain” in cultured human skeletal muscle cells infused with serum from hibernating black bears.
Joseph Shavit
Jul 10, 2022
A two-time bone marrow donor makes helping people his profession
Growing up, Jake Purnell had never dreamed of having a career as a nurse, until he attended an event to support a classmate with leukemia.
Joshua Shavit
Jun 24, 2022
Major advancement in human organ cryopreservation announced
Scientists have taken the first step towards improved storage of human cells, leading to the safe storage of organs such as hearts and lungs
Joseph Shavit
Jun 16, 2022
How is blood formed? New research completely upends our past understanding
Using cellular “barcoding” in mice, a groundbreaking study finds that blood cells originate not from one type of mother cell, but two.
Joseph Shavit
Jun 6, 2022
Researchers unlock the cellular secrets of ageing
Researchers discovered how genetic mutations accumulated slowly over a lifetime lead to dramatic changes in how blood is formed after 70.
Joseph Shavit
May 31, 2022
Your liver is just under three years old and that's critical for your health
The liver is an essential organ that takes care of clearing toxins in our bodies and has a unique capacity among organs to regenerate itself
Joseph Shavit
May 30, 2022
Ultrasound-assisted laser vaporizes arterial plaque
Researchers developed a method that combines a low-power laser with ultrasound to remove arterial plaque safely and efficiently.
Joseph Shavit
May 26, 2022
How eating eggs can boost heart health
Study has shown how moderate egg consumption can increase the amount of heart-healthy metabolites in the blood lowering of heart disease.
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