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Joseph Shavit
Dec 21, 2022
Cholesterol-lowering drugs can also fight cancer, study finds
Cancer patients rarely die from the primary tumor but rather from the metastases – even after successful tumor surgery.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 18, 2022
mRNA vaccine can stop pancreatic cancer, study finds
The key to mRNA vaccines appears to be proteins in the pancreatic tumors, which alert the immune system to keep the cancer at bay.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 17, 2022
Groundbreaking cancer discovery reverts cancer cells back into normal cells
One characteristic of cancer cells is their high adaptability to different environments in the body and to drug treatments.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 17, 2022
Aerobic activity can reduce the risk of developing cancer by over 70%
Intense aerobic exercise increases the glucose (sugar) consumption of internal organs, thereby reducing the availability of energy to tumors

Joseph Shavit
Dec 16, 2022
Breakthrough early detection blood test, can detect over 50 types of cancer
Test is proficient in detecting and classifying cell-free DNA, or tumor byproducts deposited in the bloodstream of a person with cancer.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 16, 2022
Game-changing operation can cure prostate cancer in one hour
Doctors in the UK hope that thousands of men with prostate cancer could be cured through an innovative hour-long operation.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 15, 2022
Groundbreaking research finds killer T cells that eradicate cancer
As a part of our immune defences, cytotoxic T cells – or killer T cells – seek out and destroy cells that are infected or cancerous.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 10, 2022
Remarkable cancer trial results in 100% remission in all patients
The MSK clinical trial was investigating — for the first time ever — if immunotherapy alone could beat rectal cancer that had not spread.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 9, 2022
Researchers just modified a common respiratory virus to destroy cancerous tumors
A common respiratory virus, called adenovirus, to act like a Trojan horse to deliver genes for cancer therapeutics directly into tumor cells

Joseph Shavit
Dec 9, 2022
Medical discovery substantially improves treatment of colorectal cancer
Scientists have discovered a rare gene in the tumors of some colorectal cancer patients which could lead to more personalized treatments.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 9, 2022
Current covid vaccines significantly improves cancer treatment
Patients with nasopharyngeal cancer are often treated with drugs that activate their immune system against the tumor.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 9, 2022
Anti-KRAS drug delivers unprecedented results in pancreatic cancer care
A small molecule inhibitor that attacks the difficult to target, cancer-causing gene mutation KRAS, found in nearly 30 % of all human tumors

Joseph Shavit
Dec 7, 2022
Microtubules identified as promising new cancer fighter
To make new cells, we have to divide existing ones. This is a continuous, frequent and ubiquitous process which starts at conception.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 4, 2022
Groundbreaking cancer-treating drug developed by Stanford researchers
Researchers have discovered a rapid and sustainable way to synthetically produce a promising cancer-fighting compound right in the lab.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 2, 2022
Groundbreaking study points to an effective cure for brain cancer
These findings provide a promising basis for developing effective medications for glioblastoma, an aggressive, and thus far incurable cancer

Joseph Shavit
Nov 30, 2022
Novel cancer drug activates white blood cells to stop tumors in their tracks
In the new JEM study, teams used a computer-based screening approach to identify a drug, named C26, that activates NR2F1.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 30, 2022
Green bananas reduce cancers by more than 50%
A trial in people with high hereditary risk of a wide range of cancers has shown a major preventive effect from resistant starches.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 30, 2022
AI-driven blood test detects over 80% of liver cancers, study finds
Researchers successfully detect lung cancer in more than 80% of liver cancers in a new study of 724 people at Johns Hopkins Cancer Center.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 29, 2022
Incredible "origin-of-life" molecule found to destroy cancer cells
RNA, the molecule that gave rise to life, has been shown to be essential for repairing human genetic material and preventing mutations.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 28, 2022
Researchers develop synthetic molecule that targets and destroys cancerous tumors
Researchers have developed a synthetic molecule that combines a tumor-targeting agent with another molecule that triggers immune activation.
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