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Joseph Shavit
Jan 17, 2023
Groundbreaking cancer discovery reverts cancer cells back into normal cells
Cancer occurs when cells grow uncontrollably and spread to other organs in the body. Cancer cells differ from normal cells in many ways.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 17, 2023
Researchers discover how cells communicate and form tissues and organs
Building tissues and organs is one of the most complex and important tasks that cells must accomplish during embryogenesis.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 15, 2023
Researchers discover killer T cells that target and eradicate cancers
As a part of our immune defences, cytotoxic T cells – or killer T cells – seek out and destroy cells that are infected or cancerous.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 8, 2023
Researchers identify how exercise preserves physical fitness during aging
Proven to protect against a wide array of diseases, exercise may be the most powerful anti-aging intervention known to science.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 3, 2023
Self-assembling proteins key to memory formation, response to drug treatment
Using these engineered proteins, researchers can record histories that reveal when certain genes are activated, or how cells respond.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 31, 2022
Breakthrough "origin-of-life" molecule found to destroy cancer cells
RNA, the molecule that gave rise to life, has been shown to be essential for repairing human genetic material and preventing mutations

Joseph Shavit
Dec 31, 2022
First-ever discovery of the cells in the inner ear that enable us to hear
Researchers are first to reveal that the checkerboard-like arrangement of cells in the inner ear’s organ of Corti is vital for hearing.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 29, 2022
Scientists discover the reason loss of smell occurs in long COVID-19
Important insight into a vexing problem that has plagued millions who have not fully recovered their sense of smell after COVID-19.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 26, 2022
Revolutionary topical gel can treat and prevent gum disease at home
Researcher lays the groundwork for a non-invasive treatment for gum disease that people could apply at home to prevent or treat gum disease.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 26, 2022
Researchers discover 3 key factors that keep your brain sharp and healthy
Your brain is pretty fabulous. Around 100 billion nerve cells work together to keep you nimble and quick in your thinking.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 25, 2022
Groundbreaking skin cancer treatment gives hope to millions of patients
The drug trial focused on patients with end stage melanoma whose cancers had become resistant to frontline immunotherapy treatment.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 22, 2022
Groundbreaking study confirms that damaged nerves can be regenerated
Damaged nerves can be regenerated with the application of a frozen needle under advanced imaging guidance, according to a new study.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 20, 2022
Groundbreaking discovery opens the door to muscle regeneration
The fusion of myoblasts could make it possible to repair muscles damaged by diseases such as muscular dystrophy.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 17, 2022
'Natural Killer Cells' deliver incredible results as new cancer therapy
The 'game-changing' treatment used different human immune cells known as natural killer (NK) cells—with dramatic results.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 17, 2022
Groundbreaking cancer discovery reverts cancer cells back into normal cells
One characteristic of cancer cells is their high adaptability to different environments in the body and to drug treatments.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 17, 2022
Researchers solve the mystery of how a single cell turns into majestic trees
Researchers have demonstrated for the first time one way that a small molecule turns a single cell into something as large as a tree.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 14, 2022
Special protein can reverse muscle aging, new study finds
Skeletal muscle is a regenerative organ that comprises ~45% of body mass and enables skeletal movements while also regulating metabolism.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 7, 2022
Microtubules identified as promising new cancer fighter
To make new cells, we have to divide existing ones. This is a continuous, frequent and ubiquitous process which starts at conception.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 4, 2022
Groundbreaking cancer-treating drug developed by Stanford researchers
Researchers have discovered a rapid and sustainable way to synthetically produce a promising cancer-fighting compound right in the lab.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 2, 2022
Scientists alter fentanyl to make it less lethal, less addictive
Study indicates that the modified drug still is an effective pain reliever but likely doesn’t have as many potentially deadly side effects.
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