Groundbreaking material can scrub carbon dioxide from power plant smokestacks
Eco-friendly technology recycles mixed waste into premium plastics
Modified rail cars clean air of CO2 and help mitigate climate change
Apocalyptic global warming scenarios no longer plausible, study finds
Reducing air pollution important for healthy brain development in children
Cotton fabric filter key to low-cost, effective carbon capture
Fastest carbon dioxide catcher is 99% efficient, lightning fast, and easily recyclable
Remarkable new material captures toxic pollutants from air
Carbon diamonds made of CO2 sucked from the air
Using Hundred-Year-Old Chemistry to Capture Carbon Directly From Air
Revolutionary technology removes 99% of carbon dioxide from air
Factory sucks CO2 from the air and turns it to rock
Tiny ‘skyscrapers’ help bacteria convert sunlight into electricity
Carbon negative diamonds made of CO2 sucked from the air
New self-driving electric car sucks up air pollution as it drives
Game-changing technology to remove 99% of carbon dioxide from air
Artificial leaf captures 100 times more carbon than other systems
How can music, dance and art help improve air pollution?
Futuristic children’s playground purifies the air powered by kids play
In Iceland, CO2 sucked from the air is turned to rock