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Joseph Shavit
Jan 4, 2023
Researchers look at blocking the sun to control global warming
It sounds like something out of a bad science fiction movie—artificially blocking sunlight to keep global warming from overheating the Earth
Joshua Shavit
Jan 2, 2023
Breakthrough low-cost depth sensor records the level of rivers
Researchers at University of Bonn have developed a method that allows the water level of rivers to be monitored around the clock.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 30, 2022
Study identifies new cause of melting Antarctic ice shelves
Researchers have discovered a process that can contribute to the melting of ice shelves causing instability in others downstream.
Joshua Shavit
Dec 27, 2022
Earth can stabilize run-away climate change on its own, MIT study finds
Scientists have confirmed that a “stabilizing feedback” on 100,000-year timescales keeps global temperatures in check and habitable.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 26, 2022
Researchers finally discover the cause of Earth's most recent ice age
Where did the ice sheets that rang in the last ice age more than 100,000 years ago come from, and how could they grow so quickly?
Joseph Shavit
Dec 21, 2022
The climate and energy crises are leading to significant cardiovascular health problems
Both hot and cold environments trigger a stress response in the human body and can lead to cardiovascular problems, new research finds.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 19, 2022
Major discovery identifies the surprising reason dinosaurs rose to prominence
Climate change, rather than competition, played a key role in the rise of dinosaurs through the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic periods.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 12, 2022
Greta Thunberg effect evident in uniting young people around climate change
What we see is that Greta Thunberg has been very important in uniting young people who were already concerned about the climate.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 11, 2022
Scientists harvesting the sun to grow food and clean energy together
People are increasingly trying to grow both food and clean energy on the same land to help meet the challenges of climate change.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 9, 2022
Itchy eyes and a runny nose? It could be climate change
Airborne allergenic pollen, emitted from trees, weeds and grasses, is a major trigger of AAD, affecting 5% to 30% of the population.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 6, 2022
The number of lakes on Earth has increased substantially. Here's why that's bad!
There has been a particular increase in the number of small lakes, which unfortunately, emit large amounts of greenhouse gas.
Joseph Shavit
Nov 30, 2022
Breakthrough project captures atmospheric methane using sugar
Methane gas is 86 times more potent than CO2 and accounts for 30 percent of all global warming from gaseous emissions.
Joseph Shavit
Nov 26, 2022
Researchers identify the cause of Earth's last ice age
Where did the ice sheets that rang in the last ice age more than 100,000 years ago come from, and how could they grow so quickly?
Joseph Shavit
Oct 20, 2022
Methane-eating ‘borgs’ are assimilating earth’s microbes
Unlike in Star Trek, here on nonfictional planet Earth, Borgs are DNA packages that could help humans fight climate change.
Joseph Shavit
Oct 8, 2022
MIT researchers build a battery-free, wireless underwater camera
The device could help scientists explore unknown regions of the ocean, track pollution, or monitor the effects of climate change.
Joseph Shavit
Oct 5, 2022
Key breakthrough links changes in length-of-day with climate prediction
Scientists made a key breakthrough in the quest to accurately predict fluctuations in the rotation of the Earth and so the length of the day
Joseph Shavit
Sep 11, 2022
Scientists discover how air pollution may trigger lung cancer in never-smokers
A new mechanism has been identified where very small pollutant particles in the air may trigger lung cancer in people who have never smoked.
Joseph Shavit
Sep 6, 2022
Scientists discover how plants respond to climate change — and increase crop productivity
Plants lengthen and bend to secure access to sunlight. Despite observing this phenomenon for centuries, scientists do not fully understand.
Joseph Shavit
Aug 22, 2022
Global warming spawned the age of reptiles
Harvard researchers find rapid evolution of reptiles was triggered by nearly 60 million years of global warming and climate change.
Joseph Shavit
Aug 15, 2022
Common weed holds key to creating drought-resistant crops
A common weed harbors important clues about how to create drought resistant crops in a world beset by climate change.
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