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Joseph Shavit
Jan 1, 2023
Researchers decode the secret language of photosynthesis
When you get hungry, you grab a snack from your fridge or pantry. But what can plants do when they get hungry? They make it themselves!

Joseph Shavit
Nov 8, 2022
Groundbreaking material can scrub carbon dioxide from power plant smokestacks
How can we remove carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, from fossil-fuel power plant exhaust before it ever reaches the atmosphere?

Joseph Shavit
Oct 20, 2022
Methane-eating ‘borgs’ are assimilating earth’s microbes
Unlike in Star Trek, here on nonfictional planet Earth, Borgs are DNA packages that could help humans fight climate change.

Joshua Shavit
Jul 10, 2022
Two promising technologies to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
Direct air carbon capture and sequestration (DAC) are considered critical to achieving a net-zero greenhouse gas emissions economy by 2050.

Joseph Shavit
May 30, 2022
Fastest carbon dioxide catcher is 99% efficient, lightning fast, and easily recyclable
Researchers have developed a new carbon capture system which removes CO2 directly from the atmosphere with unprecedented performance.

Joseph Shavit
May 6, 2022
Lunar soil has the potential to generate oxygen and fuel
Soil on the moon contains active compounds that can convert carbon dioxide into oxygen and fuels, scientists in China report.

Joseph Shavit
Apr 23, 2022
Using Hundred-Year-Old Chemistry to Capture Carbon Directly From Air
Power plants and other industrial facilities often spew carbon dioxide into the atmosphere like a leaky faucet.

Joseph Shavit
Mar 20, 2022
Factory sucks CO2 from the air and turns it to rock
A newly-opened plant is sucking carbon dioxide from the air and turning it to rock, locking away the main culprit behind global warming.

Joseph Shavit
Mar 16, 2022
Sustainable concrete captures 181% more CO2 from the atmosphere
The construction sector is a major source of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions worldwide, accounting for 8% of all global emissions.

Joseph Shavit
Mar 5, 2022
Carbon negative diamonds made of CO2 sucked from the air
A startup called Aether is turning CO2 from the atmosphere into something new: the world’s first carbon-negative diamonds.

Joseph Shavit
Mar 2, 2022
Turning CO2 into clean, sustainable fuels, without any unwanted by-products or waste
Researchers have developed an efficient concept to turn carbon dioxide into clean, sustainable fuels, without any unwanted by-products.

Joseph Shavit
Feb 22, 2022
Bacteria can upcycle carbon waste into valuable chemicals
Researchers have harnessed bacteria to break down waste carbon dioxide (CO2) to make valuable industrial chemicals.

Joseph Shavit
Feb 19, 2022
7 reasons mosquitoes bite some people more than others
If it seems like mosquitoes love you more than other people, they very well might as around 20% of people are particularly irresistible.

Joseph Shavit
Feb 14, 2022
New technology converts carbon dioxide into methane fuel with light
If carbon dioxide could be converted into energy, it would be killing two birds with one stone in addressing the environmental issues.

Joseph Shavit
Feb 6, 2022
Bite this: New findings could help you hide from mosquitoes this summer
Research indicates that a common mosquito species — after detecting a telltale gas that we exhale — flies toward specific colors, like red.

Joseph Shavit
Feb 5, 2022
Game-changing technology to remove 99% of carbon dioxide from air
Engineers have demonstrated a way to effectively capture 99% of carbon dioxide from air using an electrochemical system powered by hydrogen.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 21, 2022
Decarbonisation tech instantly converts CO2 to solid carbon
New tech offers pathway for instantly converting CO2 as it is produced and locking it in a solid state, keeping it out of the atmosphere.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 14, 2021
Want to limit carbon and curb wildfire? Create a market for small trees
Forest thinning treatments are critical to reducing wildfire risk – but they come at a high cost, and can release stored carbon dioxide.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 7, 2021
In Iceland, CO2 sucked from the air is turned to rock
At the foot of an Icelandic volcano, a newly-opened plant is sucking carbon dioxide from the air and turning it to rock.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 6, 2021
Save the planet (and your health) by steering clear of sweets and pastries
According to a new study, reducing these foods in our diet is not only better for our health but also the planet.
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