Does outer space end or is it infinite? Scientists weigh in
Researchers find ‘diamond rain’ on giant icy planets
You can help scientists study the atmosphere on Jupiter
Our universe has an "antiuniverse" twin extending backwards in time
Astrophysicists discover what lurks inside a black hole
Sharpest image ever of universe’s most massive known star
Brightest stars in the night sky can strip Neptune-sized planets to their rocky cores
Does the universe expand and contract in infinite cycles?
Stars determine their own masses
Cambridge astronomers develop novel way to ‘see’ the first stars of the early Universe
Our universe has an antimatter twin on the opposite side of the Big Bang
Compact, massive triple star system detected for the first time
Building blocks for RNA-based life abound at center of our galaxy
Astronomers discover a multiplanet system very close to Earth
New findings shed light on the origin of our galaxy's supermassive black hole
New discovery about distant galaxies: Stars are heavier than we thought
Researchers use galaxy as a ‘cosmic telescope’ to study the universe
First image of the gigantic black hole at the heart of our galaxy
Astronomers find 'gold standard' star in Milky Way
Breaking news from the dawn of the universe