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Joseph Shavit
Jul 28, 2022
Thermoelectric device wraps around pipes to convert wasted heat to electricity
A new flexible thermoelectric generator can wrap around pipes and other hot surfaces and convert wasted heat into electricity.

Joseph Shavit
Jul 20, 2022
Researchers develop a fabric that turns body movement into electricity
NTU scientists have developed a stretchable and waterproof ‘fabric’ that turns energy generated from body movements into electrical energy.

Joseph Shavit
Jun 8, 2022
MIT researchers invent $4 solar-powered desalination device
An estimated two-thirds of humanity is affected by shortages of water and in the developing world face a lack of dependable electricity.

Joseph Shavit
Jun 5, 2022
Scientists develop a ‘fabric’ that turns body movement into electricity
NTU scientists have developed a stretchable and waterproof ‘fabric’ that turns energy generated from body movements into electrical energy.

Joseph Shavit
Mar 16, 2022
New fabric can “hear” your heartbeat
Having trouble hearing? Just turn up your shirt. That’s the idea behind a new “acoustic fabric” developed by engineers at MIT.

Joseph Shavit
Mar 8, 2022
Tiny ‘skyscrapers’ help bacteria convert sunlight into electricity
Researchers have made tiny ‘skyscrapers’ for communities of bacteria, helping them to generate electricity from just sunlight and water.

Joseph Shavit
Mar 1, 2022
Micro supercapacitors could revolutionize the way we use batteries
Micro supercapacitors could revolutionise the way we use batteries by increasing their lifespan and enabling extremely fast charging.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 25, 2022
Researchers create prototype device that generates electricity from shadows
Researchers demonstrated a way to harness shadows, a common but often overlooked optical effect, to generate electricity.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 19, 2022
These tiny electric generators can accelerate wound healing
Tiny dressings that generate electricity in response to movement could accelerate wound healing and tissue regeneration.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 17, 2021
New breathable fabric generates electricity from the movement of the body
Scientists have created a new triboelectric fabric that generates electricity from the movement of the body while remaining flexible.

Joshua Shavit
Sep 23, 2021
Scientists create light-emitting plants --- eco-friendly urban lighting of the future
Using specialized nanoparticles embedded in plant leaves, MIT engineers have created a light-emitting plant that can be charged by an LED.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 12, 2021
In 1 minute a new technology can brighten lives in the developing world for over 2 hours
Statistics show that 67% of the developing world still goes without household electricity and relying on poluting kerosene lamps for light.
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