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Joseph Shavit
Dec 31, 2022
Breakthrough "origin-of-life" molecule found to destroy cancer cells
RNA, the molecule that gave rise to life, has been shown to be essential for repairing human genetic material and preventing mutations
Joseph Shavit
Dec 28, 2022
Major discovery about mammalian brains surprises scientists
In a new breakthrough to understand more about the mammalian brain, University of Copenhagen researchers have made an incredible discovery.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 27, 2022
Researchers discover enzyme that reverses muscle loss due to old age
The reserach demonstrates the importance of the enzyme GCN5 in maintaining the expression of key structural proteins in skeletal muscle.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 23, 2022
Researchers discover the secrets of a good night's sleep
A good night's sleep can work wonders for both mind and body, but what is it that determines how much we need to sleep?
Joseph Shavit
Dec 7, 2022
Microtubules identified as promising new cancer fighter
To make new cells, we have to divide existing ones. This is a continuous, frequent and ubiquitous process which starts at conception.
Joseph Shavit
Nov 28, 2022
Major discovery about mammalian brains surprises researchers
In a new breakthrough to understand more about the mammalian brain, University of Copenhagen researchers have made an incredible discovery.
Joseph Shavit
Nov 27, 2022
Enzyme reverses muscle loss due to cancer and aging
Research contributes to future therapeutics for muscle degeneration due to old age, and diseases such as cancer and muscular dystrophy.
Joseph Shavit
Nov 5, 2022
Cancer-treating drug breakthrough achieved by Stanford researchers
Stanford University researchers have discovered a rapid and sustainable way to synthetically produce a promising cancer-fighting compound.
Joseph Shavit
Oct 29, 2022
Remarkable "origin-of-life" molecule found to destroy cancer cells
In the production of one of the origin-of-life molecules, researchers in Spain and Denmark have found a method for attacking cancer cells
Joseph Shavit
Oct 27, 2022
Newly discovered enzyme reverses age-related muscle loss
An international team of researchers have published findings that could contribute to future therapeutics for muscle degeneration due to age
Joseph Shavit
Sep 27, 2022
Remarkable enzyme reverses age and cancer-related muscle loss
Researchers have published findings that could contribute to future therapeutics for muscle degeneration due to old age, cancer and MD.
Joshua Shavit
Jul 28, 2022
Chemists create artificial protein that peers into Earth’s chemical past
Artificial protein reveals new clues about primordial chemical processes
Joseph Shavit
May 28, 2022
Missing link between Alzheimer's and vascular disease found?
Scientists have known that people with hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, or obesity have a higher chance of developing Alzheimer's.
Joseph Shavit
Apr 28, 2022
Breakthrough in photosynthesis helps adapt plants to rapid climate change
Scientists know that they can increase crop yields by accelerating photosynthesis, where plants convert CO2, water and light into oxygen.
Joseph Shavit
Mar 2, 2022
Turning CO2 into clean, sustainable fuels, without any unwanted by-products or waste
Researchers have developed an efficient concept to turn carbon dioxide into clean, sustainable fuels, without any unwanted by-products.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 16, 2021
Scientists finally solve the mystery of why exercise improves our health
Scientists have discovered an enzyme that is key to why exercise improves our health and protects against the consequences of ageing.
Joseph Shavit
Oct 19, 2021
Our DNA is becoming the world's tiniest hard drive
Genetic code is millions of times more efficient at storing data than existing solutions, which are costly and use immense amounts of energy
Joseph Shavit
Sep 17, 2021
Researchers discover new enzyme that can stop cells from aging
Researchers show that an enzyme complex named HTC (hydride transfer complex) can inhibit cells from aging.
Joshua Shavit
Aug 25, 2021
Understanding enzyme evolution paves the way for green chemistry
Researchers have shown how laboratory evolution can give rise to highly efficient enzymes for new-to-nature reactions, leading to new drugs
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