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Joseph Shavit
Jan 17, 2023
Researchers discover where all modern mammals originated from
For almost 200 years it has been believed that the placental mammals, and the related marsupials, had originated in the northern hemisphere

Joseph Shavit
Jan 11, 2023
Scientists finally answer the fundamental question of how life on Earth began
The missing link isn’t a not-yet-discovered fossil, after all. It’s a tiny, self-replicating globule called a coacervate droplet.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 11, 2023
First of its kind study identifies how humans lost their body hair
Humans appear to have the genes for a full coat of body hair, but evolution has disabled them, scientists at University of Utah report.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 8, 2023
New discovery substantially rewrites history of life on Earth
Diverse microbial life existed on Earth at least 3.75 billion years ago, suggests a new study that challenges the view of when life began.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 30, 2022
The incredible reason why T Rex's arms are so short
One question asked frequently by undergraduates to Kevin Padian stuck with him: Why are the arms of Tyrannosaurus rex so ridiculously short.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 28, 2022
Novel evolutionary theory says genetic mutations aren't always random
Researchers have brought the first evidence of nonrandom mutation in human genes, challenging a core assumption at the heart of evolution.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 22, 2022
Humans continue to evolve with the emergence of 155 new genes
Modern humans evolutionarily split from our chimpanzee ancestors nearly 7 million years ago, yet we are continuing to evolve.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 19, 2022
Major discovery identifies the surprising reason dinosaurs rose to prominence
Climate change, rather than competition, played a key role in the rise of dinosaurs through the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic periods.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 18, 2022
All modern mammals originated from Australia, researchers find
Australia, home to the most unusual animal species on the planet, can now lay claim to being the wellspring of modern mammal evolution.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 24, 2022
Earth is currently experiencing it's 7th mass extinction
Earth is currently in the midst of a mass extinction, losing thousands of species each year, new UC Riverside research suggests.

Joshua Shavit
Nov 18, 2022
Ancient genomes reveal hidden history of human adaptation
The use of ancient DNA, including samples of human remains around 45,000 years old, has shed light on a previously unknown aspect of humans

Joseph Shavit
Nov 14, 2022
How did plants migrate from living in water to land 400 million years ago? Mystery solved!
The green world that we live in would not have been possible without hidden changes to the plant body over the last 400 million years.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 11, 2022
Researchers solve the mystery of how all life on Earth began
Chemical evolution was first proposed in the 1920s as the idea that life first originated with the formation of macromolecules.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 27, 2022
Groundbreaking fossil discovery sheds light on the origins of lizards
A fossil discovery from Scotland has provided new information on the early evolution of lizards, during the time of the dinosaurs.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 20, 2022
How the Black Death shaped the evolution of human immunity
DNA from victims and survivors of the Black Death pandemic has identified key genetic differences that determined who lived and who died.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 20, 2022
Meet the world's first Neandertal family
Ancient genomes of 13 Neandertals provide a rare snapshot of their community and social organization over hundreds of thousands of years.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 15, 2022
Brocolli gas provides compelling evidence of life on other planets
These types of gases are made when organisms add a carbon and three hydrogen atoms to an undesirable chemical element.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 11, 2022
Researchers finally answer the question of how life on Earth began
The missing link isn’t a not-yet-discovered fossil, after all. It’s a tiny, self-replicating globule called a coacervate droplet.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 10, 2022
Researchers discover that genetic mutations in humans aren't always random
A new study by a team of researchers from Israel and Ghana has brought the first evidence of nonrandom mutation in human genes.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 2, 2022
Ancient 'sharks' appeared much earlier than previously thought
The first appearance of shark-like ‘jawed fish’ may have happened some 15 million years earlier than previously thought.
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