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Joseph Shavit
Jan 14, 2023
Drinking coffee found to reduce severity of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Caffeine, polyphenols, and other natural products found in coffee may help reduce the severity of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Joseph Shavit
Nov 13, 2022
Researchers solve the mystery of how different brain regions are connected
To understand how our brain works, there is no getting around investigating how different brain regions are connected with each other.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 7, 2022
Researchers discover protein that can repair heart muscle and regenerate organs
A protein that helps make neurons also works to reprogram scar tissue cells into heart muscle cells, UNC School of Medicine study finds.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 28, 2022
Breakthrough study finds new ways to prevent liver cancer
Almost all liver cancers develop after decades of chronic liver disease but a new discovery may lead to treatments that could break the link
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