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Joseph Shavit
Nov 15, 2022
Good friendships can make for a healthier gut microbiome
Social connections are essential for good health and wellbeing in social animals, such as ourselves and other primates.

Joshua Shavit
Sep 12, 2022
Scent of a friend: Similarities in body odor may contribute to social bonding
Science researchers have found that people may have a tendency to form friendships with individuals who have a similar body odor.

Joshua Shavit
Jul 10, 2022
Friends at first sniff: People drawn to others who smell like them
To assess whether the eNose results accurately mirrored human perception, the team recruited human smellers and devised a set of tests

Joseph Shavit
Jan 19, 2022
'Your heart smiles': Friends cheer on 7-year-old until he makes a shot on the basketball court
"Let's go, Andrew. Let's go!" Those were the encouraging words from students as their friend made several attempts to score a bucket.

Joshua Shavit
Sep 4, 2021
Do genetics control who our friends are?
Have you ever met someone you instantly liked, or at other times, someone who you knew immediately that you did not want to be friends with.

Joseph Shavit
Aug 30, 2021
Student's kindness to special needs classmate goes viral
When you're as good as friends as Kylie Rappold and Connor Morris are, you tend to help each other out.

Joseph Shavit
Aug 19, 2021
Ham Radio Enthusiast Heroically Saves Friend’s Life Hundreds Of Miles Away
A San Joaquin County man is credited with saving his friend’s life from hundreds of miles away. A miracle that he called the wrong number.

Joshua Shavit
Aug 14, 2021
Assigned classroom seats can promote friendships between dissimilar students
Students of varying gender, ethnicity, educational achievement were more likely to become friends after induced proximity

Joseph Shavit
Aug 9, 2021
12-year-old boy's random act of kindness to help disabled man warms hearts
Raymond Butler was riding his bicycle home from football practice when he got a flat tire, which may have been fate for a unique frienship

Joseph Shavit
Jul 30, 2021
The power of kindness unites Delaware woman with young Maine cancer survivor
Sophie Dear from Delaware saw Jameson Brooks' name on a sick kid list years ago and has been sending him cards ever since.

Joseph Shavit
May 14, 2021
Student's kindness to special needs classmate goes viral
When you're as good as friends as Kylie Rappold and Connor Morris are, you tend to help each other out.

Joseph Shavit
Mar 12, 2021
'We're all people': Amidst summer protests, Facebook disagreement leads to lasting friendship
Lana Davis and David Davis set aside their differences and discovered a newfound respect for one another.
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