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Joseph Shavit
Jan 16, 2023
Breakthrough research explains why obesity is more dangerous for men
Researchers observing “striking” differences in the cells that build blood vessels in the fatty tissue of male versus female mice.

Joshua Shavit
Dec 29, 2022
Women have an edge in entrepreneurial success, study finds
Differences in the way the sexes think may give women an advantage in starting businesses according to a Kennesaw State Universy study.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 28, 2022
Women on average perform better than men on a ‘theory of mind’ test
A part of human social interaction and communication involves putting ourselves in other people’s shoes, to imagine another person's thought

Joshua Shavit
Dec 27, 2022
Researchers discover method to put an end to gender biases on the internet
According to experts, many internet algorithms are based on stereotypes, leading them to associate the sciences with masculinity.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 24, 2022
Cambridge researchers discover why men never do housework
Cambridge philosophers seeking to answer age old questions around inequality in household labour have proposes a new theory.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 29, 2022
Women can predict a man's attitude towards sex based on the shape of his face
Researchers have found that women are able to accurately gauge a man's interest in sexual relationships based on the shape of their face.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 2, 2022
Good sleep found to increase women’s career ambitions
A new study indicated that sleep quality impacted women’s mood and changed how they felt about advancing in their careers.

Joseph Shavit
Jul 26, 2022
Nagging wives help improve their husband's health, study finds
For men, an unhappy marriage may actually slow the development of diabetes and promote successful treatment once they do get the disease

Joseph Shavit
Jul 24, 2022
Do benefits of physical, mental activity on thinking differ for men and women?
Physical and mental activity help preserve thinking skills and delay dementia. Study suggests that these benefits may vary for men and women

Joseph Shavit
Jul 21, 2022
Surprising discovery: A connection between appetite and sun exposure
Going to the beach? Planning a hike? Be prepared: Men will be much hungrier according to a survey on the eating habits of 3,000 people.

Joshua Shavit
Jun 27, 2022
Why do females itch less than males? Researchers scratch out an answer
Researchers has found that the female hormone estradiol suppresses psoriasis, and the protective role of the hormone has therapy potential

Joseph Shavit
Jun 23, 2022
Are robots created racist and sexist?
The study shows that robots loaded with an accepted and widely-used model operate with significant gender and racial biases.

Joseph Shavit
Apr 8, 2022
Protein boosts height growth in girls, study finds
an average increase of about seven grams of protein daily above the intake guidelines leads on average to an increase in height of one cm.

Joseph Shavit
Mar 11, 2022
What makes a voice attractive to others -- study finds
What makes a voice attractive is the subject of broad interest, with far-reaching implications in our personal lives, workplaces and society

Joseph Shavit
Dec 10, 2021
Do the Keto diet and intermittent fasting impact men and women equally?
How do keto and intermittent fasting diets work on a molecular level, and do both sexes benefit from them equally.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 8, 2021
Are women more or less competitive than men? New study has the answer
Researchers found that women enter competitions at the same rate as men—when they have the option to share their winnings with the losers.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 2, 2021
Do men feel more emotional pain than women? Study results may surprise you
A new study finds that men tend to experience emotional pain more than women when their relationship takes a turn for the worse.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 10, 2021
Are women worse than men at salary negotiation?
USC researchers say this is a fallacy as their new study points to systemic bias on behalf of recruiters in salary negotiations.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 7, 2021
A new study reveals the evolutionary reason why women feel colder than men
This phenomenon is not unique to humans. In many species of mammals and birds, females prefer warm places whereas males prefer cooler temps.

Joshua Shavit
Sep 17, 2021
Could the moon be responsible for your bad sleep?
Men’s sleep may be more powerfully influenced by the lunar cycle than women’s, according to a new study from Uppsala University
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