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Joseph Shavit
Jan 5, 2023
Groundbreaking "water battery" is greener and lasts longer than lithium-ion batteries
Can we survive three minutes without air or three days without water? How about without batteries? Imagine not having a battery for 3 hours.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 5, 2023
Does the universe have an end – or does it go on forever?
Above the atmosphere is space. It’s called that because it has far fewer molecules, with lots of empty space between them.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 5, 2023
People sleep the least from early 30s to early 50s, study finds
Sleep duration declines in early adulthood until age 33, and then picks up again at age 53, according to new findings.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 4, 2023
Researchers look at blocking the sun to control global warming
It sounds like something out of a bad science fiction movie—artificially blocking sunlight to keep global warming from overheating the Earth

Joseph Shavit
Jan 4, 2023
Harvard and Cambridge scientists solve the mystery of cosmic inflation
Astrophysicists say that there is a clear, unambiguous signal in the cosmos which could eliminate inflation as a possibility.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 4, 2023
Groundbreaking cancer drug developed by Stanford researchers
Researchers have discovered a rapid and sustainable way to synthetically produce a promising cancer-fighting compound right in the lab.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 3, 2023
Revolutionary material absorbs 100x its weight in water
Using a hydrogel—a gelatin-like material in the form of a dry sheet—researchers have crafted a better picker-upper absorbing 3x more water.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 2, 2023
Groundbreaking pill delivers equivalent results to physical exercise
The beneficial messages being sent to the central nervous system during exercise are packaged up in what are known as lipid particles.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 2, 2023
Scientists identify sleep habits that substantially increase dementia risk
According to a new study, how long people sleep and when they go to bed could influence their risk of dementia.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 2, 2023
Researchers enter the dawn of solid-state quantum networks
Since the early days of table top experiments, one of the most significant challenges is to extend the distance of quantum communications.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 1, 2023
Scientists make groundbreaking discovery in the ability to move things with our minds
National University of Singapore researchers advanced the first step towards real-time, remote and wireless mind control of metamaterials.

Joshua Shavit
Jan 1, 2023
Researchers create artificial black holes in the lab
Black holes are the most extreme objects in the universe, packing so much mass into so little space that nothing can escape.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 31, 2022
'Silver Bullet' antibiotic destroys drug resistant bacteria
Over time, many pathogens have adapted to resist antibiotics, so the search for new drugs is becoming increasingly important.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 31, 2022
Breakthrough "origin-of-life" molecule found to destroy cancer cells
RNA, the molecule that gave rise to life, has been shown to be essential for repairing human genetic material and preventing mutations

Joseph Shavit
Dec 31, 2022
First-ever discovery of the cells in the inner ear that enable us to hear
Researchers are first to reveal that the checkerboard-like arrangement of cells in the inner ear’s organ of Corti is vital for hearing.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 30, 2022
Green bananas can reduce cancers by more than 50%
New study shows a major preventive effect from resistant starch, found in a range of foods such as oats and slightly green bananas.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 30, 2022
Study identifies new cause of melting Antarctic ice shelves
Researchers have discovered a process that can contribute to the melting of ice shelves causing instability in others downstream.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 30, 2022
Music therapy significantly reduces drug and alcohol addictions
Traditional songs, known as icaros, are part of a treatment process for men rehabilitating from drug and alcohol addictions.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 29, 2022
Major genetic discovery can reduce depression, fear, and anxiety
A multidisciplinary study has found that the Tob gene plays an important role in reducing depression, fear, and anxiety.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 29, 2022
Scientists identify what is hidden inside the heart of a black hole
Research team has used quantum computing and computer learning to describe what is believed to be the interior of a black hole.
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