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Joseph Shavit
Dec 24, 2022
Breathing exercise is more effective than drugs in lowering blood pressure
Working out just five minutes daily via a practice described as "strength training for your breathing muscles" lowers blood pressure.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 23, 2022
Scientists discover why late-night eating is bad for your health
Northwestern Medicine scientists have uncovered the mechanism behind why eating late at night is linked to weight gain and diabetes.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 23, 2022
Researchers discover the secrets of a good night's sleep
A good night's sleep can work wonders for both mind and body, but what is it that determines how much we need to sleep?
Joseph Shavit
Dec 21, 2022
Lifting weights for as little as three seconds a day can have a major impact on muscle strength
39 healthy university students perform one muscle contraction at maximum effort for three seconds per day, for 5 days a week over 4 weeks.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 20, 2022
Scientists redefine obesity through discovery of two major subtypes
Scientists has identified two types of obesity with physiological and molecular differences that may have lifelong consequences for health.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 19, 2022
Powerful LED light safely kills bacteria and viruses without harming humans
A highly efficient LED could one day help countries emerge from the shadows of pandemics by killing pathogens in rooms full of people.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 17, 2022
Hormone discovery is the missing ingredient to heart-healthy cholesterol levels
Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh have discovered a predictor of blood lipid — or cholesterol — status for midlife women.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 16, 2022
Trouble falling asleep at night? Research results are truly eye-opening
A study measuring the sleep patterns of students has turned up some surprises about how and when our bodies tell us to sleep.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 15, 2022
Researchers discover the primary indicator of global poverty
New research uncovers some of the strongest and most direct evidence yet of the extent to which electrification fuels economic growth.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 15, 2022
Daily walks can reduce dementia risk by over 50%
Taking a more spirited approach and walking briskly — defined as more than 40 steps per minute — can drop dementia risk by 57%.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 14, 2022
Molecules found in mucus can prevent cholera infection
Molecules found in mucus can block cholera infection by interfering with the genes that cause the microbe to switch into a harmful state.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 11, 2022
Sugar substitutes affect the human body in surprising ways, study finds
Non-nutritive sweeteners – also known as artificial sweeteners – are supposed to deliver all the sweetness of sugar without the calories.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 9, 2022
Gene carried by 60% of Europeans predisposes people to slimness
Researchers have discovered that those who have a certain version of a gene involved in cell nutrition tend to accumulate less fat.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 9, 2022
Itchy eyes and a runny nose? It could be climate change
Airborne allergenic pollen, emitted from trees, weeds and grasses, is a major trigger of AAD, affecting 5% to 30% of the population.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 8, 2022
Consistent exercise positively affects your body right down to its molecules and genes
Consistent exercise can change not just waistlines but the very molecules in the human body that influence how genes behave.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 7, 2022
Drinking one beer a day can improve your health and longevity
Like wine, beer can have health benefits when consumed in moderation. Non-alcoholic beers have become wildly popular recently.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 5, 2022
Groundbreaking study reveals the connection between sugar, obesity and your gut health
Dietary sugar alters the gut microbiome, setting off a chain of events that leads to metabolic disease, pre-diabetes, and weight gain.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 5, 2022
Less gym time, same results: Lowering weights is all you need to do
Good news for those who struggle to fit a gym workout into their day: you may be able to cut your weightlifting routine in half.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 2, 2022
Groundbreaking pill can deliver the same results as physical exercise
New research could hold the key to developing a supplement capable of administering the health benefits of exercise to patients.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 1, 2022
Groundbreaking muscle discovery burns fat and increases metabolism while sitting
The soleus, one of 600 muscles in the human body, is a posterior leg muscle that runs from just below the knee to the heel.
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