New artificial intelligence tech set to transform heart imaging
Flexible carbon nanotube fibers woven into clothing gather accurate EKG, heart rate
Reducing sugar in packaged foods can prevent disease in millions
Are all saturated fats equally bad for the heart?
Diet, exercise, and sleep affect heart health, but why?
Study shows millets can reduce risk of developing cardiovascular disease
Heart Age Test provides a ‘wake up call’ to prevent heart attack and stroke deaths
Scientists can now track your circadian rhythms with a smartwatch
Researchers create computer model of inner heart structures for life-saving heart surgery
After 60 years, scientists find the missing link in our body’s blood pressure control
Cutting 250 calories daily and exercising may improve heart health in obese older adults
Coffee doesn't raise your risk for heart rhythm problems
5-minute workout lowers blood pressure as much as exercise, drugs
First-ever transient pacemaker harmlessly dissolves in body
A patch that could help heal broken hearts