Groundbreaking technology can heat and cool your house at half the current price
Groundbreaking engine converts heat into electricity with no moving parts
The climate and energy crises are leading to significant cardiovascular health problems
Breakthrough technology can heat and cool your house using only the power of humidity
Gold-based coating converts sunlight into heat to defog glasses
Revolutionary engine generates electricity from heat with no moving parts
White Graphene nanotubes will revolutionize the world
Transparent window coating can actively cool buildings without using energy
Flexible thermoelectric generator efficiently converts wasted heat to electricity
Groundbreaking nanophotonic material turns heat into electricity
Engineers weave advanced fabric that can cool a wearer down and warm them up
MIT researchers discover the "best possible" semiconductor material
Groundbreaking thermoelectric device converts wasted heat to electricity
Heat and cool your house using only the power of humidity
Groundbreaking engine has no moving parts and is more efficient than a steam turbine
MIT developed heat engine has no moving parts --- is more efficient than a steam turbine
Thermoelectric device wraps around pipes to convert wasted heat to electricity
Innovative ink coating can power wearable devices via heat
Converting solar energy to electricity on demand
Scientists develop heat storage material that is stable, efficient and eco-friendly