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Joseph Shavit
Jan 19, 2022
Hundred year old cobbler Ghulam Ahmad Sheikh lends a helping hand to the needy
“In life, everyone faces different problems, but we must always remain in front of the face, instead of giving up and losing sight.”

Joseph Shavit
Aug 5, 2021
Forget Space Tourism - Citizen Science Trips will take your vacations to the next level
If your tan is set and you’re looking to try out something more adventurous and educational, citizen science trips might just hit the spot.

Joseph Shavit
Jul 18, 2021
Florida woman selflessly donates kidney to husband’s ex-wife two days after wedding
Typically, these two women shouldn’t get along – but in an amazing turn of events, one woman donated a kidney to her husband’s ex.

Joseph Shavit
Feb 10, 2021
KPD Officer helps Western student with vehicle registration and insurance costs
When Kokomo Police Department officer Nate Gibson saw a student speed into the school parking lot one day, ...

Joseph Shavit
Oct 16, 2020
Marathoner limping in pain gets help from prisoner on work release to finish race
"Then about mile 4, I heard talking and someone running behind me. Who could be slower than me? It turned out to be a prisoner out on work
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