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Joseph Shavit
Feb 25, 2022
Low-power lasers could propel probes to the outer solar system
Traveling to Proxima Centauri b, the closest habitable planet to Earth, would require thousands of years with even the biggest rockets.

Joseph Shavit
Feb 15, 2022
Scientists use quantum entangled light to improve microscope sensitivity by 50%
Scientists use quantum entangled light for a new form of microscopy able to detect signals normally hidden by quantum noise.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 27, 2021
MIT scientists demonstrate for the first time how to make invisible matter
We finally have a demonstration of a quantum effect that was predicted years ago, which is capable of making invisible matter.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 24, 2021
Ultrashort-pulse lasers kill bacterial superbugs and spores
Life-threatening bacteria are becoming ever more resistant to antibiotics, making the search for alternatives to antibiotics urgent.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 19, 2021
Testing 3D printers and lasers to make and cook your next meal
Imagine having your own digital personal chef; ready to cook up whatever you want; able to tailor the shape, texture and flavor just for you

Joshua Shavit
Sep 12, 2021
University professor makes breakthrough achievement in quantum computing
A University of Texas at San Antonio researcher is part of a collaboration that has set a world record for innovation in quantum computing.

Joshua Shavit
Aug 27, 2021
Physicists make laser beams visible in vacuum
When the atoms are illuminated by a laser beam prepared in this way, they react changing their state in a characteristic way.

Joseph Shavit
Aug 13, 2021
Researchers create an interactive gravitational-wave detector for education and museums
Observations of gravitational waves in space have sparked public interest in space technology and an interactive exhibit will help explain

Joseph Shavit
Jul 30, 2021
Physicists Have Figured Out How We Could Make Antimatter Out of Light
A new study by scientists has demonstrated how researchers may be able to create an accelerating jet of antimatter from light.

Joseph Shavit
Jul 27, 2021
Antimatter atoms can be precisely contained and manipulated with lasers
Researchers with the CERN-based ALPHA collaboration have announced the world's first laser-based manipulation of antimatter

Joseph Shavit
Jul 13, 2021
Say what? Scientists are trying to catch a lightning bolt with a giant laser
Researchers from the University of Geneva hauled a huge laser atop a mountain to shoot it at the sky, and act as a high-tech lightning rod
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