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Joseph Shavit
Dec 21, 2022
Researchers use machine learning to get a first-ever view of small molecules
A new machine learning model will help scientists identify small molecules, with applications in medicine and drug discovery.
Joseph Shavit
Nov 1, 2022
Machine learning generates highly-accurate diagnoses of elusive global killer -- Sepsis
Sepsis is difficult to diagnose and causes an estimated 20% of deaths globally and as many as 20 to 50% of U.S. hospital deaths each year.
Joseph Shavit
Oct 17, 2022
Researchers use digital cameras, machine learning to predict neurological disease
In order to streamline diagnosing patients with multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease, researchers used cameras to capture gait data.
Joshua Shavit
Jul 6, 2022
Audioflow app can remote monitor your urological health
Audioflow, performed almost as well as a specialist machine used in clinics, and achieves similar results to urology residents.
Joseph Shavit
May 28, 2022
When AI is the inventor, who gets the patent?
The day is coming – some say has already arrived – when artificial intelligence starts to invent things that its human creators could not.
Joseph Shavit
Apr 7, 2022
Does artificial intelligence think like a human?
A new technique compares the reasoning of a machine-learning model to that of a human, so the user can see patterns in the model’s behavior.
Joseph Shavit
Apr 7, 2022
Could computers ever learn the same way people and animals do?
Whether a computer could ever pass for a living thing is one of the key challenges for researchers in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
Joseph Shavit
Mar 13, 2022
Machine learning can predict if you'll leave your partner
Researchers used machine learning techniques to analyze data on 2,038 married or cohabiting couples who participated in the GSEP Survey.
Joseph Shavit
Dec 2, 2021
Machine learning reduces uncertainty in breast cancer diagnoses
A Michigan Tech-developed machine learning model uses probability to more accurately classify breast cancer shown in histopathology images.
Joshua Shavit
Sep 28, 2021
Disabled people can now use Android phones with face gestures
Using a raised eyebrow or smile, people with speech or physical disabilities can now operate their Android-powered smartphones hands-free.
Joshua Shavit
Sep 11, 2021
Scientists develop AI to predict the success of startup companies
A study of 1M companies has shown that artificial intelligence can accurately determine whether a startup firm will fail or become successful
Joshua Shavit
Sep 4, 2021
New tool detects the risk of genetic syndromes in children with diverse backgrounds
The technology can potentially reduce health inequality in under-resourced areas worldwide.
Joshua Shavit
Sep 2, 2021
Machine learning algorithm revolutionizes how scientists study behavior
To researchers the best way to understand the brain is to watch how organisms interact with the world.
Joshua Shavit
Aug 16, 2021
Block by block: Researchers use Minecraft to advance artificial intelligence
Research to investigate next-generation artificial intelligence (AI) skills and perhaps make Steve, the Minecraft avatar, a little smarter.
Joseph Shavit
Aug 13, 2021
Bipedal robot makes history by learning to run, completing 5K
Cassie the robot has made history by traversing 5 kilometers, completing the route in just over 53 minutes.
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