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Joseph Shavit
Dec 29, 2022
Scientists identify what is hidden inside the heart of a black hole
Research team has used quantum computing and computer learning to describe what is believed to be the interior of a black hole.

Joseph Shavit
May 23, 2022
Ghostly ‘mirror world’ key to solving a major cosmic puzzle
New research suggests an unseen ‘mirror world’ of particles might be the key to solving a major puzzle in cosmology – the Hubble constant.

Joseph Shavit
Apr 4, 2022
Fish can do math, study finds
Cichlids and stingrays can perform simple addition and subtraction in the number range of one to five as shown in a recent study.

Joseph Shavit
Mar 9, 2022
Mathematical discovery sheds light on secrets of the Universe
How can Einstein's theory of gravity be unified with quantum mechanics? This is a challenge that could yield deep insights into black holes.

Joseph Shavit
Mar 5, 2022
Is Usain Bolt faster than a 900-pound dinosaur?
One big issue in physics education is to generate student enthusiasm for the course material. These dinosaur problems really spark interest.

Joseph Shavit
Feb 26, 2022
Children may instinctively know how to do division even before hitting the books, study finds
A large body of research suggests that, even before children begin formal education, they possess intuitive arithmetic abilities.

Joseph Shavit
Feb 14, 2022
"Math neurons" identified in the human brain
The findings indicate that some of the neurons detected are active exclusively during additions, while others are active during subtractions

Joseph Shavit
Jan 3, 2022
Fish can count according to new research on Banded Archerfish
A trio of researchers at the University of Trento, in Italy, has found via experimentation that archerfish can distinguish between numbers.

Joshua Shavit
Oct 4, 2021
Can being good at math help you become great at sports
Following her triumph in the recent US Open tennis tournament, Emma Raducanu revealed that maths was her favorite subject at school.

Joshua Shavit
Sep 7, 2021
New mathematical innovation helps identify distant planet atmospheres
The rise and fall of sunlight reflected off the Moon, as it presents its different faces to us, is known as a "phase curve"

Joseph Shavit
Aug 24, 2021
Mathematical model predicts best way to build muscle
Researchers have developed a mathematical model that can predict the optimum exercise regime for building muscle.

Joseph Shavit
Aug 7, 2021
Mathematician reveals world's oldest example of applied geometry
A UNSW mathematician has revealed the origins of applied geometry on a 3700-year-old clay tablet that has been hiding for over a century
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