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Joseph Shavit
Dec 25, 2022
Scientists predict the discovery of life on Saturn's icy moon Enceladus
The mystery of whether microbial alien life might inhabit Enceladus, one of Saturn's 83 moons, could be solved by an orbiting space probe.

Joshua Shavit
Nov 23, 2022
Early-stage skin sensor uses body odor to detect health conditions
Human skin is the body's largest organ. It also protects internal living tissue and other organs, regulates body temperature.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 9, 2022
Tomatoes provide major gut health benefits, study finds
Two weeks of eating a diet heavy in tomatoes increased the diversity of gut microbes and positively altered gut bacteria.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 20, 2022
Methane-eating ‘borgs’ are assimilating earth’s microbes
Unlike in Star Trek, here on nonfictional planet Earth, Borgs are DNA packages that could help humans fight climate change.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 15, 2022
Brocolli gas provides compelling evidence of life on other planets
These types of gases are made when organisms add a carbon and three hydrogen atoms to an undesirable chemical element.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 7, 2022
Drinking a beer a day can improve your health and longevity
Like wine, beer can have health benefits when consumed in moderation. Non-alcoholic beers have become wildly popular recently.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 27, 2022
Fossil discovery rewrites history of life on Earth, study finds
Findings suggest a variety of microbial life may have existed on primordial Earth, potentially 300 million years after the planet formed.

Joshua Shavit
Sep 25, 2022
Durable coating kills COVID virus, other germs and lasts for months
Polyurethane locks in the antimicrobial power of tea tree and cinnamon oils. The new technology could make public spaces safer within a year

Joshua Shavit
Aug 13, 2022
Elite athletes perform better with high carbohydrate rather than high protein diets
The study found that in those following a high-protein regime, this resulted in a disturbance in the stability of the gut microbiome.

Joshua Shavit
Aug 4, 2022
Microbes offer a glimpse into the future of climate change
Microbes play an important role in climate because they release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere when they eat.

Joshua Shavit
Aug 2, 2022
Centuries-old Hawaiian lava caves contain thousands of unknown bacterial species
The lava caves, lava tubes and geothermal vents on the big island of Hawaiʻi have higher bacterial diversity than scientists expected

Joshua Shavit
Jul 29, 2022
Chemists create artificial protein that peers into Earth’s chemical past
Artificial protein reveals new clues about primordial chemical processes

Joseph Shavit
Jul 5, 2022
Bacteria for blastoff: Using microbes to make supercharged new rocket fuel
Researchers develop a totally new type of fuel that has projected energy density greater than the most advanced heavy-duty fuels used today.

Joseph Shavit
Feb 21, 2022
The surprising reason your kitchen sponge is so disgusting
Researchers discovered that your kitchen sponge is a better incubator for diverse bacterial communities than a laboratory Petri dish.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 31, 2022
Microbes offer a glimpse into the future of climate change
Microbes play an important role in climate because they release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere when they eat.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 18, 2022
Global effort to map the genomes of all plants, animals, fungi and microbes on Earth
A global effort to map the genomes of all plants, animals, fungi and other microbial life on Earth, is entering a new phase.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 30, 2021
New 'smart' bacteria-killing packaging keeps food fresh
Researchers developed a ‘smart’ food packaging material that is biodegradable, sustainable and kills microbes that are harmful to humans.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 15, 2021
Bugs and microbes around the world are evolving to eat plastic, study finds
The number of microbial enzymes with the ability to degrade plastic is growing, in correlation with local levels of plastic pollution.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 4, 2021
Using microbes to make carbon-neutral fuel
Producing biofuel using only three renewable and naturally abundant source ingredients: carbon dioxide, solar panels and light.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 30, 2021
New data suggests that life could exist on Venus
Photosynthesis could occur in Venus' clouds with the middle and lower clouds receiving solar energy similar to the Earth's surface.
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