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Joseph Shavit
Nov 4, 2022
Groundbreaking research reveals the connection between sugar, the gut and obesity
Dietary sugar alters the gut microbiome, setting off a chain of events that leads to metabolic disease, pre-diabetes, and weight gain.
Joseph Shavit
Oct 19, 2022
Major study confirms genetic link between gut disorders and Alzheimer's disease
A world-first study has confirmed the link between the two, which could lead to earlier detection and new potential treatments.
Joseph Shavit
Oct 12, 2022
Researchers discover major new contributor to Alzheimer's disease
Research reports for the first time a pathway that begins in the gut and ends with a potent pro-inflammatory toxin in brain cells.
Joseph Shavit
Oct 7, 2022
Drinking a beer a day can improve your health and longevity
Like wine, beer can have health benefits when consumed in moderation. Non-alcoholic beers have become wildly popular recently.
Joseph Shavit
Oct 5, 2022
Transgenes can reverse cancer and Type 2 diabetes, study finds
Residing within the human gut are trillions of bacteria and other microorganisms that can impact a variety of chronic human ailments
Joseph Shavit
Oct 4, 2022
Study reveals the connection between sugar, the gut microbiome and obesity
A study found that dietary sugar alters the gut microbiome, setting off a chain of events that leads to metabolic disease and weight gain.
Joseph Shavit
Sep 24, 2022
Green juice burns body fat and improves digestion, researchers find
One of the main dangers of visceral fat is the production of more proteins called cytokines, which trigger low-level inflammation.
Joseph Shavit
Sep 24, 2022
Groundbreaking treatment uses viruses to fight Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis
How can we selectively kill harmful gut bacteria that cause inflammatory bowel disease or other disorders? Researchers suggest using viruses
Joseph Shavit
Sep 19, 2022
Genetic link between gut disorders and Alzheimer's Disease confirmed
A world-first study has confirmed the link between the two, which could lead to earlier detection and new potential treatments.
Joseph Shavit
Sep 9, 2022
Gut microbes may lead to therapies for mental illness
Evidence is mounting that this collection of microorganisms in the human gut can also impact a person’s neurological and emotional health
Joseph Shavit
Sep 8, 2022
Sugar substitutes may affect the human body in unanticipated ways
Non-nutritive sweeteners – also known as sugar substitutes or artificial sweeteners – are supposed to deliver all the sweetness of sugar.
Joseph Shavit
Sep 4, 2022
Groundbreaking study reveals the connection between sugar, the gut microbiome and obesity
Dietary sugar alters the gut microbiome, setting off a chain of events that leads to metabolic disease, pre-diabetes, and weight gain.
Joseph Shavit
Aug 1, 2022
It doesn’t matter much which fiber you choose – just get more dietary fiber!
There are lots of choices on the drug store shelves, but which fiber supplement is the right one for you? All of them help, say researchers.
Joseph Shavit
Jul 14, 2022
Prunes can restore bone loss, research finds
New research provides evidence that prunes are a prebiotic food that reverses bone loss and helps restore bone health.
Joshua Shavit
Jun 28, 2022
Dietary fibre can help with skin allergies, study finds
Monash University researchers found that microbial fermentation of dietary fibre in the gut can protect against allergic skin disease.
Joseph Shavit
Jun 18, 2022
Drinking one beer a day can reduce risk of heart disease and diabetes
Men who drank either one alcoholic or non-alcoholic lager daily had a more diverse set of gut microbes, reducing the risk for some diseases.
Joseph Shavit
Jun 9, 2022
Probiotics help alleviate depression, study finds
Researchers have shown that probiotics can support the effect of antidepressants and help to alleviate depression.
Joseph Shavit
Jun 3, 2022
What's the impact of popular artificial sweeteners on your gut health?
Artificial sweeteners have increasingly replaced sugar in many foods and beverages. However, their long-term health benefits remain unclear.
Joseph Shavit
May 13, 2022
Bacteria with recording function can capture your gut health status
Our gut is home to countless bacteria, which help us to digest food. But what exactly do the microorganisms do inside the body?
Joseph Shavit
May 5, 2022
Fecal transplants shown to reverse aging process
Transplanting fecal microbiota from young into old mice can reverse hallmarks of aging in the gut, eyes, and brain.
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