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Joseph Shavit
Jan 11, 2023
You can train your brain to hear better, study finds
People who lose the thread of a conversation during a noisy cocktail party might be dealing with problems detecting rapid changes in sound.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 30, 2022
Music therapy significantly reduces drug and alcohol addictions
Traditional songs, known as icaros, are part of a treatment process for men rehabilitating from drug and alcohol addictions.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 5, 2022
Playing the piano boosts brain processing power and helps lift the blues
Research demonstrates the positive impact learning to play a musical instrument has on the brain’s ability to process sights and sounds

Joseph Shavit
Nov 21, 2022
What do your favorite songs reveal about you?
What does having a particular artist on repeat tell us about how to — or how not to — navigate our romantic lives, friendships and family.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 1, 2022
The remarkable reason for a Stradivarius violin's beautiful sound
The primary reason for the pristine sound, beyond the fine craftsmanship, was the chemicals Stradivari used to treat their instruments.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 26, 2022
The mystery of the Stradivarius violin's unique sound finally solved
Renowned violin maker Antonio Stradivari and others treated their instruments with chemicals that produced their unique sound.

Joseph Shavit
Aug 31, 2022
Music helps patients with dementia connect with loved ones
Novel music intervention sparks emotional connection between patients and caregivers. Patients had less agitation, anxiety and depression.

Joseph Shavit
Aug 26, 2022
The secret of the Stradivarius violin's unique sound discovered
Science has confirmed that renowned violin maker Stradivari and others treated their instruments with chemicals to produced their sound.

Joseph Shavit
Jun 20, 2022
Musical rhythm may be genetically inherited, study finds
Moving in time to musical rhythm is so automatic that people are often not conscious of the exquisite coordination that it demands.

Joseph Shavit
Feb 24, 2022
A voice inside my head: The incredible impact headphones have on listeners
Headphones increase feelings of connectivity, empathy and engagement, reports a new study from UC San Diego, UCLA and UC Berkeley.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 17, 2022
Woman leaves $10 Million donation to Music School Of Delaware in her will
The Music School of Delaware hit its highest note yet, with an unprecedented donation from a woman who never donated to the school before.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 31, 2021
Introducing the world's first punk rock band made completely of robots
What happens when you give a robot a guitar? Well, turns out it'll sprout a mohawk and go join a punk rock band.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 29, 2021
The relationship between music processing and language skills in the brain
Researchers used magnetic resonance imaging to study the brains of secondary school students during a task focused on musical observation.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 14, 2021
Live personalized music soothes stressed patients during lockdown
A violinist playing a soothing melody tailored to a patient’s particular medical condition in the hospital can provide psychological aid.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 5, 2021
How can music, dance and art help improve air pollution?
Music, dance, art and storytelling have allowed an international team of researchers to reveal aspects of air pollution in Nairobi.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 22, 2021
The Sound of Music -- what you see and how you move, affects what you hear
When Jimi Hendrix's guitar solos are pounding out of the speakers—can you see Hendrix posing with his guitar?

Joshua Shavit
Sep 30, 2021
The brain is a prediction machine – and music reveals how it works
Life is not only lived forwards – it is also experienced a little ahead of time, and now there is empirical evidence for the claim.

Joshua Shavit
Sep 21, 2021
Music is good for the soul and for treating medication-resistant epilepsy
Listening to Mozart’s Sonata for Two Pianos in D Major K448 for at least 30 seconds may be associated with less frequent spikes of epilepsy

Joshua Shavit
Sep 9, 2021
Ancient Greek ‘pop culture’ discovery rewrites history of poetry and song
New research into a little-known text written in ancient Greek shows that ‘stressed poetry’, the ancestor of all modern poetry and song.

Joseph Shavit
Aug 28, 2021
Watch pianists fitted with a robotic thumb adjust to playing with 11 digits in one hour
Pianists who have been fitted with a third robotic thumb are able to adjust their playing style to suit their new 11 digits in just an hour
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