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Joseph Shavit
Jul 20, 2022
Astronomers discover a dormant black hole outside of the Milky Way galaxy
Experts who are known for debunking black hole discoveries have found a dormant stellar-mass black hole in the Large Magellanic Cloud

Joseph Shavit
Mar 30, 2022
Ancient helium leaking from our planet's core offers clues to Earth's formation
As a planet grows, it accumulates material from its surroundings, so its composition reflects the environment in which it formed.

Joshua Shavit
Sep 18, 2021
900-year-old cosmic mystery surrounding Chinese supernova solved
A 900-year-old cosmic mystery surrounding the origins of a famous supernova first spotted over China in 1181AD has finally been solved.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 3, 2021
What young stars teach us about the birth of our solar system
The familiar star at the center of our solar system has had billions of years to mature and ultimately provide life-giving energy to us here
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