MIT develops a bio-inspired tissue glue that seals bleeding wounds in seconds
Study provides new evidence that resistance training burns fat
Muscle strengthening and aerobic exercises can reduce cancer mortality
Gut microbes could reverse your brain's aging
First-time hi-res topography of asteroid Psyche taken using thermal imaging
Solving solar puzzle could help save Earth from planet-wide blackouts
Digital marketing improves product recall compliance, providing new tool to enhance consumer safety
Bamboo is teaching scientists how to boost battery efficiency and rechargability
To do or not to do: Cracking the code of motivation
Scientists uncover what lies beneath the far side of the moon
Unparalleled bounty of oscillating red giant stars detected
New research shows light therapy helps burn injuries heal faster
Researchers discover new strategy for developing human-integrated electronics
Researchers may have discovered a new and better genome editing tool than CRISPR
New drug molecules could prevent skin ageing caused by sun exposure
Lunar samples solve mystery of the moon’s magnetic shield
For the first time ever, astronomers capture images of the beginning of a supernova
Scientists identify 300 genes that can predict when women will enter menopause
Mathematician reveals world's oldest example of applied geometry
Heart Age Test provides a ‘wake up call’ to prevent heart attack and stroke deaths