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Joseph Shavit
Sep 28, 2022
Saving our oceans: Novel plastic material biodegrades in ocean water
Around the planet, evidence of plastic pollution stretches from grocery bags in the deep sea to microplastics in our food supplies.

Joseph Shavit
Feb 14, 2022
Protein-based plastics could save the oceans
A research team has now introduced a new method for the production of protein-based plastics that are easily processable and biodegradable.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 30, 2021
New robots autonomously collect underwater litter
Researchers have developed a robotic system that uses machine learning methods to locate and collect waste under water.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 30, 2021
'Floating continent' could collect and recycle plastic from the ocean
'The 8th continent' is an award-winning design that recycles ocean plastic and is completely self-sustainable.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 3, 2021
Using ocean plastic waste to power ocean cleanup ships
Plastic amassing in floating islands in the oceans could be used to power the ships that are sent to clean them up.
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