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Joseph Shavit
Mar 20, 2022
Could we make cars and spaceships out of petroleum waste?
A new method could turn refinery byproducts into high-value, ultralight structural materials for cars, aircraft, and spacecraft.

Joseph Shavit
Feb 28, 2022
6 Amazing Benefits From Taking Omega-3 Fish Oil Supplements, According To Scientists
Individuals looking to consume more healthy fatty acids via food should eat more oily fish, flax seeds, walnuts, and related oils.

Joseph Shavit
Feb 18, 2022
Using sunlight to convert oil spills into seawater
Researchers discovered that 10% of the oil floating on the Gulf after the Deepwater Horizon disaster was dissolved into seawater by sunlight

Joseph Shavit
Feb 6, 2022
Researchers want to convert idle oil and gas wells into solar and wind energy batteries
Researchers want to convert idle oil and gas wells into conduits for much-needed subsurface storage space for solar and wind generated power

Joseph Shavit
Jan 11, 2022
Higher olive oil intake associated with lower risk of cardio-vascular disease death
Consuming more than 7 grams (>1/2 tablespoon) of olive oil per day is associated with lower risk of cardiovascular disease mortality.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 30, 2021
A new plastic made from DNA, biodegradable and easy to recycle
At a time when pollution represents a growing threat to the future of the planet, it is essential to improve our recycling processes.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 20, 2021
Saudi Arabia to convert oil rig into a 150,000 square metre 'extreme park' and resort
Dubbed the ‘world’s first tourism destination inspired by offshore oil platforms’, the ‘extreme park’ boasts 150,000 square meters of fun.

Joshua Shavit
Aug 30, 2021
How the 1920 Mineral Leasing Act is impacting today's environmental movement
When Tempest Williams revealed that she intended to keep the oil in the ground, the Bureau of Land Management canceled the leases.

Joseph Shavit
Aug 19, 2021
Leak-detecting quantum camera cuts oil and gas industry emissions
A new a quantum-enabled gas imaging camera will help dramatically cut environmentally damaging methane leaks from the oil and gas industry.
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