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Joseph Shavit
Jan 17, 2023
Science has finally identified the cause of the Black Death
In 1347, plague first entered the Mediterranean via trade ships transporting goods from the territories of the Golden Horde in the Black Sea

Joseph Shavit
Dec 17, 2022
Scientists finally know what caused the Black Death
In 1347, plague first entered the Mediterranean via trade ships transporting goods from the territories of the Golden Horde in the Black Sea

Joseph Shavit
Nov 17, 2022
To prevent the next pandemic -- restore wildlife habitats, study finds
Preserving and restoring natural habitats could prevent pathogens that originate in wildlife from spilling over into domesticated animals.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 17, 2022
Researchers have finally identified the cause of the Black Death
The disease disseminated across Europe, the Middle East and northern Africa claiming up to 60 percent of the population in a large outbreak.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 19, 2022
Groundbreaking UV light can kill bacteria and viruses without harming humans
A highly efficient LED that is deadly to microbes and viruses but safe for people has been engineered by three RIKEN physicists.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 17, 2022
Science has finally identified the cause of the Black Death
The Black Death disseminated across Europe, the Middle East and northern Africa claiming up to 60 percent of the population.

Joseph Shavit
Jun 5, 2022
How will humans survive a global catastrophe?
One suggested way to save humankind in the event of a deadly pandemic or other extreme global catastrophe is establishing a safe refuge.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 3, 2021
Long-lasting disinfectant promises to help fight pandemics
Researchers have developed a nanoparticle-based disinfectant that can continuously kill viruses on a surface for up to seven days
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