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Joseph Shavit
Nov 13, 2022
Man's best friend is helping researchers develop gel treatment for childhood cancer
New research using pet dogs could pave the way for a new immunotherapy treatment for one of the most common childhood cancers, Sarcoma.

Joseph Shavit
Feb 2, 2022
When should you neuter your dog to avoid health risks?
Some dog breeds have higher risk of developing certain cancers and joint disorders if neutered or spayed within their first year of life.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 12, 2021
Ice rink helps dying dog enjoy one last 'snow day'
An act of kindness helped a pair of Utah dog owners check the last box off their dog’s final bucket list.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 6, 2021
Terrier puppy born with upside-down paws now able to walk
Siggi the spotted rat terrier was born with a rare and debilitating birth defect: her front paws were upside down.

Joseph Shavit
Jul 10, 2021
'Smart collar' could prevent tapeworms in dogs
Dogs infected with echinococcosis play a major role in spreading tapeworms across human populations around the world.
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