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Joseph Shavit
Nov 3, 2022
Study identifies innovative new treatment for sleep apnea
Sleep-disordered breathing is characterized by breathing that stops and starts throughout sleep and affects up to 45% of obese Americans.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 1, 2022
World's first robotic pill makes insulin injections obsolete
A new drug capsule developed at MIT can help large proteins such as insulin and small-molecule drugs be absorbed in the digestive tract.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 28, 2022
Banana protein antiviral is a 'silver bullet' against all known coronaviruses and influenza
Paper details the efficacy of H84T-BanLec against all known human-infecting coronaviruses, including MERS, the original SARS, and SARS-CoV-2

Joseph Shavit
Oct 21, 2022
Groundbreaking research reveals what happens in the brain when we learn
A Scripps Research team measured how levels of various proteins in brain cells change in response to brain activity.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 21, 2022
Researchers develop first-ever rheumatoid arthritis vaccine
Researchers have developed an experimental vaccine that shows significant promise in preventing rheumatoid arthritis which cannot be cured.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 21, 2022
Protein restriction can combat obesity and diabetes
Twenty-one patients with metabolic syndrome were given a calorie or protein restriction diet in a randomized clinical trial by researchers.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 19, 2022
The world is now one step closer to life without insulin
People with a severe form of diabetes, where the beta cells of the pancreas do not produce or no longer produce enough insulin.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 19, 2022
Newly discovered protein connected to Alzheimer’s disease risk
The protein, called SHMOOSE, is a tiny “microprotein” encoded by a newly discovered gene within the cell’s energy-producing mitochondria.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 16, 2022
Alzheimer’s disease effects can be reduced by 80%
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the major form of dementia in the elderly population. The main changes in AD patients are neuronal death...

Joseph Shavit
Oct 15, 2022
Scientists discover protein that can reverse muscle aging
A University at Buffalo-led research team has shown that a protein is effective at reversing aging in skeletal muscle cells.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 4, 2022
Groundbreaking drug increases human life span by 30%, study finds
Researchers say senolytic drugs can boost a key protein in the body that may protect people against aspects of aging and a range of diseases

Joseph Shavit
Sep 22, 2022
Anti-cancer drug also functions as COVID-19 antiviral therapy
Johns Hopkins Medicine study suggests small molecule inhibitor RK-33 can block multiple variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus from replicating.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 19, 2022
Groundbreaking diabetes discovery brings the world closer to life without insulin
People with a severe form of diabetes, where the beta cells of the pancreas do not produce or no longer produce enough insulin.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 16, 2022
Alzheimer’s disease effects can now be reduced by 80%, study finds
The prevention and removal of misfolded protein aggregates is considered a promising strategy to treat Alzheimer's Disease.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 15, 2022
Protein can reverse muscle aging, study finds
Research team has shown that a protein named for the mythical land of youth in Irish folklore is effective at reversing muscle aging.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 14, 2022
First-ever drug treats cataracts -- avoiding the need for surgery
Cataract is a clouding of the eye lens that is caused by a disorganisation of the proteins in the lens that reduces light transmission.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 14, 2022
Exercise hormone halts Parkinson’s disease symptoms, study finds
Study shows that a hormone secreted into the blood during endurance, or aerobic, exercise reduces levels of a protein linked to Parkinson’s.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 13, 2022
Cancer Genes in Humans vs. Chimps: Why Are We More Susceptible?
Chimpanzees are our closest living relatives, descending from the same species as humans more than 6 million years ago.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 4, 2022
New drug increases human life span by 30%, according to the Mayo Clinic
Scientists are finding new ways to extend our life spans. One day, protecting our cells from aging may be as easy as taking a pill.

Joseph Shavit
Aug 28, 2022
The evolution of mucus: How did we get all this slime?
In mammals, proteins called mucins evolved — again and again — by co-opting non-mucin proteins in a surprising way, study suggests
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