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Joseph Shavit
Sep 29, 2022
Nanoengineers develop swimming microrobots to treat deadly pneumonia
Microrobots, that can swim around in the lungs, deliver medication and be used to clear up life-threatening cases of bacterial pneumonia.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 4, 2022
Robots can assess children’s mental wellbeing, study finds
Robots can be better at detecting mental wellbeing issues in children than parent-reported or self-reported testing, a new study suggests.

Joshua Shavit
Jul 20, 2022
Robots can 'see' using new type of electronic skin
A flexible photodetector could provide future robots with an electronic skin capable of "seeing" light beyond the range of human vision.

Joseph Shavit
Jun 28, 2022
Next gen smart robots built for the most hazardous places on Earth
These new AI-powered machines will be designed to think and act for themselves in some of the most hazardous and toughest places on Earth

Joseph Shavit
Jun 23, 2022
Are robots created racist and sexist?
The study shows that robots loaded with an accepted and widely-used model operate with significant gender and racial biases.

Joseph Shavit
Jun 15, 2022
Stanford engineers develop tiny robots that precisely target drug delivery
These fingertip-sized robots are poised to become medicine’s future lifesavers – to crawl, spin, and swim to enter narrow spaces.

Joseph Shavit
Apr 27, 2022
Industrial repair ‘snake’ robot now being tested for cancer surgery
A repair robot that takes inspiration from the bendiness and sensing ability of snakes is now being exploited for use in human surgery.

Joseph Shavit
Feb 5, 2022
Say hello to CHAMP, Volkswagen's robot bringing smiles to sick kids
Meet CHAMP, the robot who just gave kids undergoing cancer treatments at the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles something to smile about.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 5, 2022
New 'Cyberman' robot has the dexterity to both open Coke bottles & lift 30kg weights
Beomni 1.0 robot is being endorsed as one of the most sophisticated general-purpose humanoid robots using AI on the planet.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 31, 2021
Introducing the world's first punk rock band made completely of robots
What happens when you give a robot a guitar? Well, turns out it'll sprout a mohawk and go join a punk rock band.

Joseph Shavit
Dec 1, 2021
Team builds first living robots—that can reproduce
AI-designed Xenobots reveal entirely new form of biological self-replication—promising for regenerative medicine

Joseph Shavit
Oct 11, 2021
A visit from a social robot improves hospitalized children’s outlook
A new study finds a visit from human-controlled robot encourages a positive outlook and improves medical interactions for hospitalized kids.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 8, 2021
LEONARDO, the Bipedal Robot, Can Ride a Skateboard and Walk a Slackline
Researchers built a bipedal robot that combines walking with flying to create a new type of locomotion, making it exceptionally nimble.

Joshua Shavit
Oct 3, 2021
Nimble autonimous robot uses AI to identify and avoid trouble
To operate efficiently in urban environments, robots and other autonomous systems must be able to move safely on sidewalks and avoid trouble

Joseph Shavit
Oct 2, 2021
Introducing 'Baby Robot' -- new system helping toddlers practice their motor skills
Researchers developed Baby Robot, a robotic toy that could be used to enhance the motor skills of toddlers.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 29, 2021
Incredible new battery flexes, stretches and moves like snake scales
Researchers have developed a flexible, stretchable battery that bends and stretches like a snake.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 26, 2021
Team creates micro-robots propelled by air bubbles and ultrasound
Some engineers find inspiration in the mechanics of bird flight and the architecture of bee nests. Others think much smaller.

Joshua Shavit
Sep 26, 2021
Robots are taking over for an aging industrial work force
Robots are more widely adopted where populations become notably older, filling the gaps in an aging industrial work force.

Joseph Shavit
Aug 20, 2021
Leaping squirrels could help scientists develop more agile robots
Understanding the split-second decisions squirrels make as they jump from branch to branch will help scientists develop more agile robots

Joshua Shavit
Aug 15, 2021
A robotic fish tail and next-gen underwater vehicles
Underwater vehicles are typically designed for one cruise speed, and they’re often inefficient at other speeds.
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