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Joseph Shavit
Dec 5, 2022
Breakthrough "water battery" is greener and longer-lasting than lithium-ion batteries
Can we survive three minutes without air or three days without water? How about without batteries? Imagine not having a battery for 3 hours.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 19, 2022
Powerful LED light can kill bacteria and viruses without harming humans
A highly efficient LED that is deadly to microbes and viruses but safe for people has been engineered by three RIKEN physicists.

Joseph Shavit
Jul 18, 2022
Children are bombarded with violence in the news – here's how to help them cope
With gun violence, war and other tragedies in the news, children are often exposed to scary images and information. What should parents do?

Joseph Shavit
Jan 16, 2022
New 'smart' pistols taking aim at spiking gun deaths in the US
'Smart' pistols – designed to restrict who can fire them – are poised to hit the US market this year, taking aim at spiking gun deaths.

Joseph Shavit
Nov 2, 2021
New technology gives smart cars 'X-ray' vision, detecting hidden pedestrians, cyclists
Australian researchers have developed disruptive technology allowing autonomous vehicles to track pedestrians hidden behind buildings.

Joseph Shavit
Oct 24, 2021
Dads on Duty step in to make their kid’s high school a safer place to learn
A group of about 40 concerned dads have teamed up to make their kid’s Louisiana high school a safer place to learn.

Joshua Shavit
Sep 24, 2021
New life-saving technology prevents Li-ion battery fires
Materials scientists have found a way to prevent internal short-circuits, the main cause of fires in lithium (Li)-ion batteries.

Joshua Shavit
Aug 27, 2021
Physicists make laser beams visible in vacuum
When the atoms are illuminated by a laser beam prepared in this way, they react changing their state in a characteristic way.

Joshua Shavit
Aug 26, 2021
Do the benefits outweigh the risks for autonomous vehicles?
A panel of experts has assessed the risks and potential benefits associated with deploying autonomous vehicles (AVs) on U.S. roads.

Joshua Shavit
Aug 10, 2021
Digital marketing improves product recall compliance, providing new tool to enhance consumer safety
There were 786 automotive recalls in the United States in 2020 alone, affecting close to 32 million vehicles.

Joseph Shavit
Jul 13, 2021
Say what? Scientists are trying to catch a lightning bolt with a giant laser
Researchers from the University of Geneva hauled a huge laser atop a mountain to shoot it at the sky, and act as a high-tech lightning rod

Joseph Shavit
Jun 21, 2021
Female biker’s solo odyssey to show it’s safe for single women to travel and explore India
I want to empower other women by proving that India is safe for single women to travel. I want more women to explore India on their own.
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