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Joseph Shavit
Dec 25, 2022
Scientists predict the discovery of life on Saturn's icy moon Enceladus
The mystery of whether microbial alien life might inhabit Enceladus, one of Saturn's 83 moons, could be solved by an orbiting space probe.

Joseph Shavit
Sep 21, 2022
Saturn’s rings and tilt could be the product of an ancient, missing moon
Swirling around the planet’s equator, the rings of Saturn are a dead giveaway that the planet is spinning at a tilt.

Joseph Shavit
Jul 26, 2022
This is why Jupiter doesn’t have rings like Saturn
To understand the reason Jupiter currently looks the way it does, Kane and his graduate student Zhexing Li ran a dynamic computer simulation

Joseph Shavit
Apr 22, 2022
Scientists urge NASA to probe Uranus and search for life on Saturn's moon
NASA's priority should be the Enceladus Orbilander - a mission to search for evidence of life on Enceladus, Saturn's sixth-largest moon.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 24, 2022
Saturn's moon Mimas may have water under its icy surface
According to a study by a team of scientists, Saturn's mini-moon Mimas may have a "liquid water ocean beneath a 24-31 km thick ice shell".
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