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Joseph Shavit
Jul 24, 2022
New sensor can detect Alzheimer’s disease up to 17 years in advance
The dementia disorder Alzheimer’s disease has a symptom-free course of 15 to 20 years before the first clinical symptoms emerge.

Joseph Shavit
Jul 11, 2022
Smart clothing senses how their users are moving
MIT researchers have produced smart textiles that snugly conform to the body so they can sense the wearer’s posture and motions.

Joshua Shavit
Jul 7, 2022
Audioflow app can remote monitor your urological health
Audioflow, performed almost as well as a specialist machine used in clinics, and achieves similar results to urology residents.

Joseph Shavit
Jul 4, 2022
Robot nose can “smell” disease on your breath
Scientists are working on diagnostic techniques that could sniff out chemical compounds that act as fingerprints of thousands of diseases.

Joseph Shavit
Jul 2, 2022
Smart earbud will measure how astronauts sleep
New project examines the differences between human sleep patterns on earth and in space using ear-EEG-tech developed at Aarhus University

Joseph Shavit
Jun 30, 2022
Blood Pressure E-Tattoo Promises Continuous, Mobile Monitoring
Researchers have developed an electronic tattoo that can deliver continuous blood pressure measurements at an extremely accurate level.

Joseph Shavit
Jun 26, 2022
Biofinder changes the game in searching for extraterrestrial life
At present, there is no other equipment that can detect minute amounts of bio-residue on a rock during the daytime. Biofinder can.

Joseph Shavit
Jun 18, 2022
Researchers develop hybrid sensor that can help diagnose cancer
Researchers developed a nanophotonic-microfluidic sensor whose potential applications include cancer detection monitoring and assessment.

Joseph Shavit
May 28, 2022
Amazing new sensor enables vehicles to detect road conditions in real-time
Researchers from UC3M have patented a sensor and a method for detecting road conditions while a vehicle is moving in real-time.

Joseph Shavit
May 19, 2022
The ‘holy grail’ in electronic 'smart' skin has arrived
Smart skin is a wafer-thin material that reacts simultaneously to force, moisture and temperature with extremely high spatial resolution.

Joseph Shavit
May 19, 2022
Small biosensor accurately detects prostate cancer and spotlights next gen point-of-care devices
Point-of-care devices, which are small automated instruments, are capable of performing diagnostics in decentralized locations

Joseph Shavit
May 13, 2022
Bacteria with recording function can capture your gut health status
Our gut is home to countless bacteria, which help us to digest food. But what exactly do the microorganisms do inside the body?

Joseph Shavit
May 5, 2022
Future wearable health tech could measure gases released from skin
A new study suggests that a wearable sensor may be able to monitor the body’s health by detecting the gases released from a person’s skin.

Joseph Shavit
Apr 24, 2022
Sapphire fibre could enable cleaner energy and air-travel
Researchers have developed a sensor made of sapphire fiber that can tolerate extreme temperatures with efficiency and emission reduction.

Joshua Shavit
Apr 18, 2022
With a whiff ‘e-nose’ can detect fine whisky
Researchers have developed an electronic nose (e-nose) that can distinguish between different brands, origins, and styles by “sniffing”.

Joseph Shavit
Apr 3, 2022
Unique folding design leads to heart sensor with smaller profile
Drawing on the Japanese art of kirigami to contour to the human body to better detect electrocardiographic signals.

Joseph Shavit
Mar 17, 2022
Tiny battery-free climate sensors float in the wind like dandelion seeds
Researchers have developed a tiny, battery-free sensor-carrying device that can be blown by the wind as it tumbles toward the ground.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 19, 2022
First-of-its-kind wearable, noninvasive blood sugar monitor
A new wearable device created by Penn State researchers, is a less intrusive glucose monitor and could become the norm in diabetes care.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 19, 2022
Researchers develop a wearable device for safe, noninvasive, optical brain imaging
Recent advances in brain imaging techniques facilitate accurate, high-resolution observations of the brain and its functions.

Joseph Shavit
Jan 13, 2022
‘Fitbit for the face’ can turn any face mask into smart monitoring device
Northwestern University engineers have developed a new smart sensor platform for face masks that they are calling a “Fitbit for the face.”
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